Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. In most people with Alzheimer's, symptoms first appear later in life.

  • Misplace items.
  • Forget about recent conversations or events.
  • Forget the names of places and objects.
  • Have trouble thinking of the right word.
  • Ask questions repetitively.
  • Show poor judgment or find it harder to make decisions.
  • Become less flexible and more hesitant to try new things.
  • Being unable to do daily tasks such as planning meals and managing money.
  • A tendency to wander from home.
  • Personality changes that make relationships more difficult.
  • Delusions and hallucinations in advanced stages of the disease.

Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins in and around brain cells. One of the proteins involved is called amyloid, deposits of which form plaques around brain cells. The other protein is called tau, deposits of which form tangles within brain cells.

  • Reading.
  • Learning foreign languages.
  • Playing musical instruments.
  • Volunteering in your local community.
  • Taking part in group sports, such as bowling.
  • Trying new activities or hobbies.
  • Maintaining an active social life.
  • Smoking
  • Head injury
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Ageing
  • Hypertension
  • Alcohol
  • Family history
  • Atherosclerosis

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

Treatment consists of cognition enhancing medications that helps to manage the symptoms No cure exists, but medication and management strategies may temporarily improve symptoms.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

Perform brain scans, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission tomography (PET), to support an Alzheimer's diagnosis or rule out other possible causes for symptoms.

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