
About the Speciality

Providing the most comprehensive neurological care with technical advancement. The Department of Neurology at MGMCH deals with investigations and treatment of diseases involving the central and peripheral nervous system.

Department of Neurology

We have a team of experts competent to handle inpatient and outpatient ailments with efficiency. Outpatient treatment ranges from common headache to chronic ailments like stroke, epilepsy, Parkinsonism, various movement disorders and dementia. Our team has expertise in providing comprehensive care for neuroinfectious, refractory epilepsy, stroke and neuromuscular disorders along with ICU and HDU care.

The department has world class diagnostic facilities including EEG, nerve conduction studies, electromyography and evoked potentials. Various neurointerventional procedures including diagnostic cerebral angiography, aneurysmal coiling and stenting are being performed. Our department offers treatments such as thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke patients and Botulinum toxin therapy for focal dystonia and spasticity.

HOD Message

HOD Massege

The Department of Neurology at MGMCH, Jaipur prides itself on being a pioneer in patient care, education, and scientific research.

Dr. Rajendra Singh Jain

Professor & HOD

Department of Neurology

Comprehensive epilepsy care programme including not only medical treatment but extensive workup for epilepsy surgery is also undertaken regularly.

Epilepsy outreach OPDs and camps are aimed to address rural epilepsy which constitute major proportion of patient population.

With ever changing field of Medicine, our department focuses on evidence based clinical practice. Our dedicated and highly qualified team of professionals deliver efficient and compassionate patient care that is par excellence.

Specialty Clinics

Stroke Clinic
Dementia Clinic
Combined Clinic with Neurosurgery to workup and plan for Epileptic surgery
Epilepsy Clinic
Movement Disorder Clinic
Headache Clinic
Rehabilitation Clinic

Core Competencies

Patient care

Providing comprehensive patient care through evidence-based medicine is one of the department's primary goals. A holistic approach to healthcare is provided by the Department for patients with neurological disorders that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective. The most effective evidence-based treatments are used while understanding and showing empathy for the patient's needs.

Medical knowledge

Each member of our team has advanced medical knowledge and a thorough understanding of both established and emerging biomedical, clinical, and related sciences. We work towards applying this knowledge effectively in patient care.

Interpersonal and communication skills

Educating patients, their families, and colleagues is at the core of the Department of Neurology. Our goal is to facilitate effective dialogue, collaboration, and communication between patients, their families, and our colleagues.


Our Department of Neurology strives to adhere to ethical standards showing sensitivity toward a diverse patient population as part of fulfilling professional duties.

System-based practice

Our Department of Neurology is committed to being responsive to the larger context and system of neurological care and to utilizing the system resources efficiently to provide optimal care.

Diagnostic and Clinical Services

In terms of practice-based learning and improvement, critical assessment and enhancement in approach to patient care, Department of Neurology aims at:

  • Providing state of art diagnostic tests including Video EEG lab, nerve conduction studies, electromyography, evoked potentials.
  • Providing comprehensive and holistic neuro-healthcare services including epilepsy, stroke, dementia, headache, pain, movement disorders, Guillain barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, motor neuron disease etc.
  • Promoting research in field of neurosciences.
Diagnostic and Clinical Services
Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

The aim is to provide the best neurological care to every patient who visits our setting. The Department aims to provide state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic, and research in various neurological disorders.


  • Comprehensive Epilepsy Care programme.
  • Stroke ready hospital with comprehensive stroke care facility.
  • Outreach services for epileptic patients in the state with the Free Epilepsy Clinic at Gulabpura, Pragya Mirgi Kendra since 2014.
  • Epilepsy pregnancy registry for welfare of epileptic women and their children, the only registry in this part of the country.
  • Stroke registry andEpilepsy registry is regularly being maintained by the department.
  • The Department of Neurology is soon planning to start advanced Epilepsy surgery soon.

Treatment and Services

  • Comprehensive Epilepsy Care: Epilepsy is a chronic non communicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. The Department of Neurology aims to provide comprehensive epilepsy care with psychosocial support, counselling, pharmacotherapy with latest antiseizure medicines. Epilepsy surgery services are also offered in the Department of Neurology in collaboration with Department of Neurosurgery. Free medicines are provided to poor patients every Thursday of the week.
  • Comprehensive Stroke Care: Stroke is one of the common neurological disorders contributing to significant morbidity and mortality, adding to the overall burden. Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or there is sudden bleeding in the brain. The Department of Neurology aims to provide comprehensive stroke care services including intravenous thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy etc. Various procedures are carried out for the treatment of symptomatic atherosclerotic carotid artery disease in the form of carotid stenting etc.
  • Treatment for Movement Disorders: Movement disorders consist of group of neurological conditions that cause either increased or reduced or slow movements. Parkinson disease is one of the most common of these. Patients of typical and atypical parkinsonism are evaluated in detail and comprehensive management of these disorders including rehabilitation. Botox injections are provided on regular basis in patients with focal dystonia in the form of blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and writer’s cramps.
  • Treatment for Dementia: Dementias are group of disorders affecting memory and other neurocognitive domains. The Department focuses on detailed evaluation of patients with such complaints. MRI Brain and PET Scan are also available to ascertain involvement of brain lobes and subcortical structures. Along with pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological treatment including rehabilitation services are also provided.
  • Pain and Headache Clinic: Detailed evaluation and management of patients with pain and headache is done routinely in the department. Patients are offered various pain management therapies including intraarticular steroid injection for example in carpal tunnel syndrome, TENS for backpain, remote electrical neuromodulation in headache disorders etc.
  • Dedicated stroke care unit provides 24x7 in patient stroke care services.


All solutions of neurological disorders under one roof

  • OPD Procedures including Neuroelectrophysiological studies (NCS, EMG, SSEP, VEP, BAER, EEG, Video-EEG), Botox injections, Intraarticular steroid injection in Carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.
  • IPD Procedures including Cerebrospinal fluid tap and examination, neurointerventional procedures (mechanical thrombectomy, carotid artery stenting, AVM embolization, Aneurysmal coiling, IPSS, Balloon occlusion test etc.), Nerve Biopsy, Muscle Biopsy etc.
  • Health Check-ups: Routine and targeted investigations are carried out on regular basis.
  • Counselling Facilities: Along with the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, comprehensive care and counselling is provided to patients with psychological disorders. Counselling is provided on a routine basis to patients with stroke, epilepsy and other disorders for ensuring drug compliance and for better understanding of the disease.


S. no Electrophysiology Labs

(i) EEG

(ii) Video EEG

(iii) PSG

(iv) NCS

(v) Evoked potentials

(vi) Needle EMG

(vii) Others

(b) Plasmapheresis
(c) Interventional Neurology
(d) Rehabilitation
(e) Counselling
(f) Others

Awareness programmes and Outreach clinics

  • The awareness programmes on Epilepsy are periodically organized especially on occasions of International Epilepsy Day and National Epilepsy Day where education is imparted to the public and patients. Patient awareness is done through Nukkad natak, release of posters, CMEs and online programmes.Similarly, awareness programmes for stroke, dementia are also organized on various national days for general public.

Epilepsy Clinic through Tele-Medicine

  • An Epilepsy Clinic for the state of Rajasthan is being run on every Thursday on Tele Medicine where patients from all districts of Rajasthan take benefit of the specialist.

Epilepsy clinic

  • The Epilepsy clinic is conducted every Thursday from 10am till 3 pm. Patients from various places are being registered under this clinic for work up and free medicines. Patients have also been registered for the workup of various Epilepsy surgeries which are performed by the Neurosurgery Department.

Inpatient services

  • The department admits patients for work up and serious patients also. There are two general wards (female and male), private wards, HDU and ICU for neurology patients. The department actively pursues clinical care and research activities in the subspecialties of Movement Disorders, Neuroinfections and immunology, Stroke, Intractable epilepsy, Neuro-muscular Disorders, Sleep, Headache, and Dementia amongst others.

Comprehensive stroke care

  • Pre-hospital Care- Help line number and ambulance service for pre-hospital care of the patients with acute stroke.
  • Telestroke Services- Telestroke services for expert advice for acute stroke
  • Care for acute stroke patients- Acute stroke imaging and round the clock stroke Neurology service.

Stroke Unit Care including Thrombolysis

  • Stroke unit involves a dedicated ICU and a stroke in-patient ward with a team of dedicated doctors and multidisciplinary experts including stroke neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, clinical psychologists, medical social workers and physician assistants. Neurovascular interventions have also been started for acute stroke which includes Cerebral DSA, Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy.

Endovascular Therapy

  • Neuro-intervention Cath lab with endovascular treatment facility including Intra arterial thrombolysis, thrombectomy, aneurysmal coiling and stent retrieval have also been started.

Integrated Stroke Rehabilitation Program

  • Recently, MGMCH has developed a Neuro-rehabilitation department. This department offers the services for stroke patients to improve the quality of life. There is a full Neuro-assessment, plus rehabilitation planning setting realistic goals for further rehabilitation.

Speciality clinic

S. no Name of the Clinic Days on which held Timings Name of Clinic In-charge
1 Stroke Clinic Wednesday 11 to 2 pm Dr. Gourav Goyal
2 Dementia clinic Monday 2 to 3 pm Dr. Amit Agarwal
3 Rehabilitation clinic Daily 11 to 2 pm Dr. Amit Agarwal
4 Epilepsy Clinic Friday 11 to 2 pm Dr. R. K. Sureka
5 Combined clinic (Neurology/Neurosurgery) Thursday 1 to 2 pm Dr. B.S.Sharma/ Dr. Pankaj Gupta/ Dr. R. K. Sureka
6 Movement Disorder Clinic Saturday 11 to 2 pm Dr. Gourav Goyal
7 Headache Clinic Tuesday 9 to 12 pm Dr. Amit Agarwal

Our Associated Doctors


A wide range of options are available for patients presenting with stroke to Department of Neurology. If patients present within 3-4.5 hours of stroke onset, based on the eligibilty, patients are given intravenous thrombolysis (alteplase or tenecteplase) or mechnical thrombectomy.

It is generally seen that around 70-80% respond well to antiseizure medications and majority of them are controlled on monotherapy. In drug refractory cases, polytherapy with ≥ 2 medicines can be used and in extreme refractory cases, there is an option for epilepsy surgery in eligible candidates.

Yes, in collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery comprehensive epilepsy care is provided including epilepsy surgery. Eligible candidates are carefully investigated and evaluated and taken up for epilepsy surgery.

Both Intravenous immunoglobulins and Plasmapharesis are available in the Departement for management of GBS.

Poor patient suffering from diseases like epilepsy are given free medicines every Thursday of the month for treatment of poor PWE (People with epilepsy). Free counselling and health education is provided to them on time to time basis.

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