ART Centre


Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre

ART Centre is a specialized medical facility, mainly focused on providing care and treatment to people living with HIV / AIDS (PLHIV). This center was established at MGH in Feb 2020 under NACO guidelines.

  • This center has an easy access, ideally located within the Hospital premises with adequate space and privacy for examination, counseling and therapy with medical and general equipment necessary to carry out best practices.
  • We provide comprehensive services that includes OPD care, investigations and administration of anti-retroviral drugs, which are essential for managing the anti retrovirus and preventing its progression to severe illness with lower immunity i.e AIDS.
  • Availability of laboratory and radiological services capable of performing routine laboratory investigations such as HIV antibody testing, complete blood picture, serum bio-chemical tests, regular monitoring of PLHIV‘s health , including CD4 count, VL testing, X rays which are vital for assessing the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Addition to medical treatment, this centre offers counseling services to support patients in coping with psychologist & social aspects of living with HIV. Here at MGH ARTC, we also educate the patients about importance of adherence to treatment which is crucial for the success of therapy, prevention of drug resistance & further transmission of disease.
  • This ART Centre also serve as community outreach programs, raising awareness about HIV prevention and reducing the stigma associated with disease.

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