It is vital to inform your anesthesiologist of any allergies you may have. Your providers need to know what you are allergic to and how you react to those allergens. At the time of your admission, a color-coded wristband will be given to you to indicate to your caregivers that you have an allergy. Some people have allergies specifically to anesthetic agents. Allergic reactions range from skin rashes, hives, breathing problems, and anaphylaxis to a very rare condition called malignant hyperthermia. If you do have an allergic reaction in the hospital, it can be treated. However, the safest way to avoid these types of problems is by avoiding exposure.
Your anesthesiologist can often find safe, alternative ways of providing anesthesia without using medications that may have caused problems in the past. For your safety, your anesthesiologist may recommend preoperative testing by an allergist to confirm drug allergies.