

What is Coloboma?

Coloboma is an eye condition that people are born with. It happens when part of the tissue that makes up the eye is missing. It can affect 1 or both eyes. If your child has coloboma, talk to your doctor about the best plan for their care

  • Light sensitivity.
  • Nystagmus.
  • A keyhole or cat-eye-shaped pupil.
  • Low vision, blindness or partial vision loss.

Retinal detachment and cataract are the most common complications associated with retinochoroidal coloboma. Coloboma of the posterior pole is associated with an increased risk for retinal detachment with occurs in 23-42% of patients. Iris coloboma with cataract.

Coloboma happens when a baby's eye doesn't develop normally during pregnancy because of abnormal or changed genes that affect eye development. Coloboma sometimes runs in families. Environmental factors, such as drinking alcohol during pregnancy, may also increase a baby's risk for coloboma.

Children who have coloboma in only 1 eye may need to wear an eye patch or use special eye drops to prevent amblyopia (lazy eye).

Coloboma happens when a baby's eye doesn't develop normally during pregnancy because of abnormal or changed genes that affect eye development. Coloboma sometimes runs in families. Environmental factors, such as drinking alcohol during pregnancy, may also increase a baby's risk for coloboma.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

People with an iris coloboma may wear colored contact lenses to make the iris appear round. Surgery can also correct the appearance of the iris. There are also a number of procedures to repair colobomas of the eyelid.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

  • Glasses or contacts. People with coloboma who have refractive errors may need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to see more clearly.
  • Surgery. People with iris colobomas sometimes get surgery to make their pupils look rounder.
  • Low vision aids.
  • Eye patch or eye drops.

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