

What is Croup?

Croup symptoms usually start like an upper respiratory tract infection, with low-grade fever and coryza followed by a barking cough and various degrees of respiratory distress. In most children, the symptoms subside quickly with resolution of the cough within two days.

  • A runny nose, a stuffy nose, and slight cough.
  • A cough that turns into a "seal's bark".
  • Laryngitis (losing his or her voice).
  • Fever.
  • Stridor.

Croup is a self-limited disease, with most cases resolving within a few days. Uncommon complications may include bacterial tracheitis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and rarely, death.

Croup is most commonly caused by a virus. It is sometimes, but rarely, caused by bacteria, allergies, or reflux from the stomach. Viruses that are known to cause croup are: Parainfluenza virus.

Children between 6 months and 3 years of age have the highest risk of getting croup. Because children have small airways, they're likely to have more symptoms with croup. Croup rarely occurs in children older than 6 years of age.

To prevent more-serious infections that may cause croup, keep your child's vaccinations up to date. The diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines offer protection from some of the rarest — but most dangerous — upper airway infections.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

Dexamethasone is the most frequently used medication for the treatment of all types of croup; it is a glucocorticoid that provides long-lasting and effective treatment. It works by decreasing swelling of the larynx, usually within six hours of the first dose.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

Most children with mild croup symptoms can be successfully treated at home by their caregivers. Cool mist from a humidifier and/or sitting with the child in a bathroom (not in the shower) filled with steam generated by running hot water from the shower.

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