Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)


What is Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)?

In Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), blood is pumped outside of your body to a heart-lung machine that removes carbon dioxide and sends oxygen-filled blood back to tissues in the body.

  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clot (thromboembolism)
  • Infection.
  • Seizures.
  • Blood clotting disorder (coagulopathy)
  • Loss of blood in hands, feet or legs (limb ischemia)
  • Stroke (part of the brain is damaged by loss of blood or by a blood vessel that bursts)
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clot (thromboembolism)
  • Infection.
  • Seizures.
  • Blood clotting disorder (coagulopathy)
  • Loss of blood in hands, feet or legs (limb ischemia)
  • Stroke (part of the brain is damaged by loss of blood or by a blood vessel that bursts)
  • Meconium aspiration in a newborn.
  • Congenital (present at birth) diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Persistent pulmonary hypertension.
  • Sepsis.
  • Aspiration.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Electrolyte disturbance.
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clot (thromboembolism)
  • Infection.
  • Seizures.
  • Blood clotting disorder (coagulopathy)
  • Loss of blood in hands, feet or legs (limb ischemia)
  • Stroke (part of the brain is damaged by loss of blood or by a blood vessel that bursts)

ECMO is a form of life support for people with life-threatening illness or injury that affects the function of their heart or lungs. ECMO keeps blood moving through the body and keeps blood gasses (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in balance.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

In Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), blood is pumped outside of your body to a heart-lung machine that removes carbon dioxide and sends oxygen-filled blood back to tissues in the body.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is an advanced technology that acts as a child's heart and lungs to support a child who is recovering from surgery or disease, or during a surgical procedure. ECMO is similar to heart-lung bypass machines used during open-heart surgery.


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