Middle Ear Aeration Techniques


What is Middle Ear Aeration Techniques?

Regular vigorous nose blowing and/or yawning/swallowing movements. Combine nose blowing and swallowing –swallowing tends to open the Eustachian tube which then allows extra pressure to push air into the middle ear: pinch the nose and continue to blow the nose while swallowing.

  • a blocked feeling.
  • reduced hearing,
  • the sensation of pressure or popping.
  • Fluid in the middle ear (i.e. Glue ear

Complications include otorrhea in 5% to 20% of cases and persistent tympanic membrane perforations in less than 5%.

Regular vigorous nose blowing and/or yawning/swallowing movements. Combine nose blowing and swallowing –swallowing tends to open the Eustachian tube which then allows extra pressure to push air into the middle ear: pinch the nose and continue to blow the nose while swallowing.

Risks include pain, bleeding, infection, failure of the graft, recurrence, further surgery, worsening hearing loss or deafness, dizziness, and facial nerve injury resulting in facial palsy or to the chorda tympani nerve resulting in taste disturbances

  • Regular vigorous nose blowing and/or yawning/swallowing movements.
  • Combine nose blowing and swallowing –swallowing tends to open the Eustachian tube which then allows extra pressure to push air into the middle ear: pinch the nose and continue to blow the nose while swallowing.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

Yawn or open your mouth widely as if you were yawning. Eating and drinking may also mobilise the Eustachian tube to allow some air travel through the tube. Valsalva and Toynbee manoeuvres can be done to push some air into middle ear, take a deep breath, pinch your nose and close your mouth, and gently pop your ears.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

  • Regular vigorous nose blowing and/or yawning/swallowing movements.
  • Combine nose blowing and swallowing –swallowing tends to open the Eustachian tube which then allows extra pressure to push air into the middle ear: pinch the nose and continue to blow the nose while swallowing.

Consult with experienced Doctors

MGMCH is home to some of the most eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective arenas and are renowned for developing
innovative and revolutionary procedures

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