Mould Allergy


What is Mould Allergy?

If you have a mold allergy, your immune system overreacts when you breathe in mold spores. A mold allergy can cause coughing, itchy eyes and other symptoms that make you miserable. In some people, a mold allergy is linked to asthma and exposure causes restricted breathing and other airway symptoms.

  • Sneezing.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Dry, scaly skin.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Cough and postnasal drip.
  • Itchy eyes, nose and throat.
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Sneezing
  • R A s -h
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry and scaly skin
  • Irritated eyes
  • Itchiness
  • Itchy throat
  • Living in a house with high humidity.
  • Having a family history of allergies.
  • Working in an occupation that exposes you to mold.
  • Working or living in a building that's been exposed to excess moisture.
  • Having a family history of allergies.
  • Living in a house with high humidity.
  • Living in a house with poor ventilation.
  • Working in an occupation that exposes you to mold.
  • Working or living in a building that's been exposed to excess moisture.

Use an air conditioner and consider installing central air conditioning with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter attachment. The HEPA filter can trap mold spores from outdoor air before they're circulated inside your home. Change filters on your furnace and air conditioners regularly.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

Antihistamines and nasal corticosteroid sprays are available without a prescription. If you have allergic asthma, talk with your doctor about which medicines may be best for you. You may also be a candidate for immunotherapy (allergy shots or tablets).

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

Allergic rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis - Immediate hypersensitivity skin testing. Immediate hypersensitivity skin testing is the most useful method to detect IgE antibody against mold allergens. Testing can be performed by using the prick or intradermal method

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