

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents. While scoliosis can occur in people with conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most childhood scoliosis is not known.

  • Uneven shoulders.
  • Uneven waist.
  • One hip higher than the other.
  • One side of the rib cage jutting forward.
  • A prominence on one side of the back when bending forward.
  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other.
  • Breathing problems (in severe scoliosis)
  • Low back pain.
  • Lower self-esteem.
  • Persistent pain if there is wear and tear of the spine bones.
  • Spinal infection after surgery.
  • Spine or nerve damage from an uncorrected curve or spinal surgery.
  • Leakage of spinal fluid.

In more than 80 percent of cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown — a condition called idiopathic scoliosis. In other cases, scoliosis may develop as a result of degeneration of the spinal discs, as seen with arthritis, osteoporosis or as a hereditary condition that tends to run in families.

Idiopathic scoliosis cannot be prevented and is not thought to be linked to things such as bad posture, exercise or diet. Your genes may make you more likely to get it though, as it sometimes runs in families.

  • Age. Signs and symptoms typically begin in adolescence.
  • Sex. Although both boys and girls develop mild scoliosis at about the same rate, girls have a much higher risk of the curve worsening and requiring treatment.
  • Family history.

How is it diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed?

If the scoliosis is progressing rapidly at a young age, surgeons can attach one or two expandable rods along the spine that can adjust in length as the child grows. The rods are lengthened every 3 to 6 months either with surgery or in the clinic using a remote control. Vertebral body tethering.

How is it treated?

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia is vital. It varies with the patient and stage of the disease. Treatment options include

The operation for scoliosis is a spinal fusion. The basic idea is to realign and fuse together the curved vertebrae so that they heal into a single, solid bone.


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