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Dr. (Prof.) Naimish N. Mehta

Professor & Head

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Dr. Naimish Mehta, Chairman, Centre for Digestive Sciences, Professor & Head Department of HPB & Liver Transplantation Surgery. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur. He gained extensive training in Liver transplantation from various centres of excellence in UK and USA and is recognized as an Expert in the field of Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation worldwide. He has experience of over 1500+ liver transplants cases and has also been awarded Diploma in Liver Transplantation by the European Board of Surgery and Fellowships from academic institutes. He has delivered various lectures in the filed of Liver transplantation and is an invited faculty in academic meetings in India and abroad. He is the only Indian Transplant surgeon serving as a faculty in Certified Course in Liver Transplantation surgery conducted by European Society of Organ Transplantation.

He is a member of various academic societies and has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. His credits include performing successful Liver Transplantation in smallest weighing child of 4.5 kg, performing the first living donor intestinal transplantation in India, Dual Lobe Liver transplantation where two donors donate liver to a single individual, Liver Transplantation in Acute Liver failure in pregnant women and many such cases.

  • First position : M.S. Gen. Surgery, Mumbai University July 1999
  • First position : Final MBBS, MGM Medical College, October 1994
  • Distinction : Microbiology. April 1993
  • Travel Grant : FESTA – (Foundation of Endocrine surgery training and advancement), October 2003
  • Travel Grant : Liver surgeons training course, Basingstoke, UK. March 2006
  • Naimish N Mehta, Darius F Mirza. ‘Liver Transplantation,’ Surgery; 27(1), 2009: 38-42
  • Mehta N N, Ravikumar R, Coldham CA, Buckels JAC, Hubscher SG, Bramhall SR, Wigmore SJ, Mayer AD, Mirza DF. Effect of preoperative chemotherapy on liver resection for colorectal liver metastases. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO); 34(7), 2008: 782-786
  • Naimish N Mehta, Darius F Mirza. ‘Liver Transplantation,’ Surgery; 25(1), 2007:42-46.
  • Mehta N, Thiagarajan S, Wadhwa N, Mwangi J, Varma V, Kapoor S, Kumaran V, Nundy S. “Avoiding Liver Transplantation in Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis : Role of Partial Biliary Diversion.” Submitted to Journal of Paediatric Surgery. JPEDSURG-D-12-00763
  • Mehta Naimish, Shetty Tilak S, Suhas U, Patnaik P S, Joshi Rajeev.Metastatic amelanotic melanoma. Indian J Gastroenterol 2002; 21:160-161
  • Mehta Naimish. ‘Follow up in Liver Transplantation – A Hand book for patients.’ New Delhi: Byword Books; 2010; 42 –7
  • Naimish Mehta, Prashantha Rao. Swap living donor liver transplantation: Is it feasible? – Journal scan’. The Ganga Ram Journal; 1(2), 2011:97-98
  • Naimish Mehta. ‘Liver Transplantation in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.’ The Gyan Burman Liver Surgery Unit: A decade of achievement.’ 2011:11-13
  • Naimish Mehta, Vibha Varma, Vinay Kumaran. Information brochure on liver transplantation. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
  • Vibha Varma, Naimish Mehta, Samiran Nundy. Liver Transplantation in India-History, Chapter in the book titled ‘Liver transplantation, ECAB Clinical Update: Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation’; 2010:8-14
  • Vibha Varma, Naimish Mehta, Vinay Kumaran, Samiran Nundy. Indications and Contraindications for Liver Transplantation. International Journal of Hepatology, 2011, Article ID 121862, doi:10.4061/2011/121862
  • Perwaiz A, Mehta N, Mohanka R, Kumaran V, Nundy S, Soin AS. Right-sided diaphragmatic hernia in an adult after living donor liver transplant: a rare cause of post-transplant recurrent abdominal pain. Hernia. 2010;14(5):547-9
  • Kumaran V, Mehta N, Varma V, Pandey S, Rao P, Nath B, Bansal N, Ghuman S, Bhalla S, Nundy S. ‘Living Donor Intestinal Transplant using a Standardized Technique: First Report from India.’ Accepted for publication. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology.
  • Gurusamy Kurunchi S, Mehta Naimish, Davidson Brian R. ‘Techniques of biliary reconstruction for liver transplantation.’ Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD007055. DOI: 10.1002/14651858
  • Joshi R M, Mehta N N, Patnaik P S, Darbari A, etal. Efficacy of Netilmicin and Ceftriaxone in clean-contaminated and contaminated surgical cases. IJS 2002; 64(4): 339-343
  • Katrak MP, Mehta N N, Sinha AS, Patnaik PS, Khithani AS, Joshi RM. Extraserosal pedunculated leiomyoma of stomach; Indian J Gastroenterol 2002; 21(5):200-201
  • Sujay Shad, Naimish N Mehta, Vinay Kumaran. ‘Procurement and Transplantation of Multiple Organs from a Deceased Donor’. The Ganga Ram Journal. 2011;1(4):221-226
  • Abhishek Mitra, Naimish N Mehta, Vibha Varma, Vinay Kumaran, Samiran Nundy. ‘Colorectal Metastases- Current Perspective’. The Ganga Ram Journal; 2011;1(5):247-253
  • Soin A, Kumaran V, Mohanka R, Mehta N, Mohan N, Nundy S.Bridge venoplasty: A new technique to simplify venous outflow reconstruction in living donor domino liver transplantation. Surgery. 2010;148(1):155-7.
  • Rowe I, Webb K,Gunson BK, Mehta N N, Haque S, Neuberger J. Graft loss due to recurrent disease: a single centre experience. European Society for Organ Transplantation 2008; 21: 459–465
  • Mistry J, Varma V, Mehta N, Nundy S, Kumaran V, Gupta A. Percutaneous Transhepatic Hepaticogastrostomy: An Innovative Option for Portal Biliopathy. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2011; 32(S3): S 51
  • Gupta M, Kumaran V, Mohanka R, Mehta N,Soin AS, Nundy S. Roux loop obstruction by a migrated endobiliary stent- A case report. Tropical Gastroenterology 2011;32(3):240–241
  • Govindasamy M, Srinivasan T, Varma V, Mehta N, Yadav A, Kumaran V, Nundy S. ‘Biliary Tract Tuberculosis – a Diagnostic Dilemma’. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011: doi 10.1007/s11605-011-1685-5
  • Lalwani S, Gupta M, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. Small Bowel stricture following blunt abdominal trauma. Trop Gastroenterol, 2011;32(4):304-308
  • Chattopadhyay S, Singla P, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. ‘Operations for portal biliopathy in patients with non cirrhotic portal hypertension. Does the type of surgery affect outcome?’ HPB-2011-0309. Accepted for publication.
  • Bansal N, Arora A, Kumaran V, Mehta N, Varma V, Sharma P, Tyagi P, Sachdeva M, Kumar A. Atypical Presentation of Cytomegalovirus Infection in a Liver Transplant Patient. J Clin Exp Hepatol 2011;1:207–209
  • Soin AS, Kumaran V, Rastogi AN, Mohanka R, Mehta N, Saigal S, Saraf N, Mohan N, Nundy S. Evolution of a reliable biliary reconstructive technique in 400 consecutive living donor liver transplants. J Am Coll Surg. 2010;211(1):24-32.
  • Saigal S, Nayak NC, Jain D, Kumaran V, Mohanka R, Saraf N, Rastogi A, Mehta N, Nundy S, Soin A. Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis related end stage liver disease in adults: evaluation from a study on living donor liver transplant recipients. Hepatology International. 2011;5(4):882-889
  • Srinivasan T, Govindasamy M, Chattopadhyay S, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. ‘Inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma – Case report.’ The Ganga Ram Journal 2011 ;1:194
  • Chattopadhyay S, Govindasamy M, Singla P, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Nundy S. ‘Portal biliopathy in patients with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: does the type of surgery affect outcome? HPB 2012(14): 441–447
  • Lalwani S, Govindasamy M, Gupta M, Siraj F, Varma V, Mehta N, Kumaran V, Mohan N, Chopra P, Arora A, Agarwal S, Soin A, Nundy S. Gastrointestinal mucormycosis – four cases with different risk factors, involving different anatomical sites. Indian J Gastroenterol. doi: 10.1007/s12664-012-0215-z.
  • Koirala R, Mehta N, Varma V, Kapoor S, Kumaran V, Nundy S. ‘Urgent redo-laparotomies: Patterns and outcome – A Single centre experience.’ Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Surgery. IJOS-D-12-00488

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