Dr. Anshika Kataria, based out of Jaipur, has finished her MBBS from KMC Manipal and her MD in Anaesthesiology from KLE Belgaum with honors. She has worked for 1½yrs as a Senior Resident in RIMS Ranchi and in KLE Belgaum. Currently she’s working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Anaesthesiology in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital. She has publications in both National as well as International journals and is active in taking part in conferences from her Post Graduation days.
- First Position in MD examination in the Department of Anaesthesiology, JNMC, Belagavi
- Won 2nd prize in Anaesthesia Quiz held as a part of World Anaesthesia Day Celebrations on 16th October 2021 organized by ISA Belagavi City Branch and KAHER’S JNMC, Belagavi
- Lifetime membership in Indian Society of Anesthesiologists.
- Kataria, A.; Joshi, A.; Kataria, A. and Kataria, N. (2015). Aldosterone as an oxidative stress marker in dog. International Journal of Pharmacology Research. 5: 35-39.
- Kataria, A. (2022). Ultrasound assessment of airway parameters and their clinical correlation to predict difficult airway and laryngoscopy. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 66(1): 58-59 (ABS 2511).
- Kataria, A; Kamat, Chaitanya; Deshmukh, Purvashree (2024). Hyomental distance ratio (HMDR) and anterior neck soft tissue thickness at the level of vocal cords (ANS-VC): Ultrasound airway assessment V/s Cormack-Lehane grading to predict difficult laryngoscopy and intubation. International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research Vol. 13, No. 6, June 2024
- Kataria, A; Kamat, Chaitanya; Deshmukh, Purvashree (2024). Correlation of ultrasound guided ratio of pre-epiglottic space and the distance from the epiglottis to the midpoint between the vocal cords (pre-e/e-vc) to the Cormack-Lehane grading: A one year hospital based prospective observational study. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research VOL 15, ISSUE 06 , 2024