Dr. Ashwani Bilandi is a renowned Orthopaedics Surgeon with more than 11 years of experience. His area of interest lies in understanding the needs of the patients. The planned execution of treatment based on those needs is rewarded by the confidence gained by the patient’s smile.
Certifiacate, Certify That Dr. Ashwani Bilandi has awarded as Best Bowler & Man of the Match in JNU IDA DPL- 2023.
Ashwani Bilandi1, Rajveer Chinoy2, Sanjay Agarwala3, Anshul Sobti4, Vivek G Shetty5, Vikas Agashe6, Sandeep Kumar7* "A Randomised Study on Outcome of Dynamic Hip Screw Fixation Versus Helical Hip Screw System in Intertrochanteric Fracture" International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 2021;4(13):1-4 e-ISSN: 2590-3241, p-ISSN: 2590-325X July-2021 (Index Copernicus, International)
Sidhant Chhabra1 , Ashwani Kumar Mathur, Anand Sharma2 , Som Pratap Gupta3 , Ashwani Bilandi4, Mohit Meena5, Comparing the Effectiveness of Oral versus Intramuscular Vitamin D Supplementation in Adults with Fracture around Hip and Vitamin D DeficiencyJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 Jun, Vol-16(6): RC01-RC04.