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Dr. Buddhi Prakash Sharma

Professor & HOD

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Dr. Buddhi Prakash Shrma is a renowned Plastic and reconstructive Surgeon with 15 years of rich experience. His area of interest lies in understanding the needs of the patients. The planned execution of treatment based on those need is rewarded by the confidence gained by the patient’s smile.

  • Dr. Buddhi Prakash Sharma was nominated as state council member IMA 2021-2023
  • Dr. Buddhi Prakash Sharma was awarded by Jaipur medical association in July 2022
  • Dr. Buddhi Prakash Sharma was awarded by Mahatma Gandhi hospital in June 2022
  • RAPS ( Rajasthan Association of plastic surgeon)
  • AHRSI ( Association of hair Restoration surgeon India
  • Free radial artery forearm flap reconstruction in various intraoral defects after tumour resection–Our experience. Manish Singhal, Buddhi Prakash Sharma, International Journal of Health and Clinical Research Volume 4 Issue 3 Pages 247-251 Feb 2021
  • Spinal Accessory to suprascapular nerve transfer by posterior approach – our experience of 10 cases . Buddhi prakash sharma ,shantanu vyas ,manish singhal .10.21276 /sjams.2018.6.11.5
  • Deep sternal wound infection after coronary artery bypass graft ( A comparative study between PMMC v/s omentum pedical flap ) . Buddhi prakash sharma ,dhiraj agarwal , k.k dangayach , ashish bakliwal . ( IOSR-JDMS ) volume 14 ,Issue 10 oct. 2015
  • Evaluation of electrical injurical in our institution . Buddhi prakash sharma ,Dhiraj agarwal , Savita Chandra ,B.K.Sharma. International journal of recent trends in science and technology . October 2015 :16 (3) : 499-502 .
  • Our experience with the use of joshi external stabilization system (JESS) in the management ofpost burn contractures of the hand . Buddhi prakash sharma ,Tushar bhati , Savita Chandra .Internal journal of science and research (IJSR) .Volume 5, Issue Dec.-2016
  • A study of burns in pediatric age group. Milind anil mehta ,vijay Yashpal bhatia, buddhi prakash sharma . Indian journal of burns .December 2013 ,volume 21 Issue 1

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