Dr. Hoti Lal Gupta is a renowned Urology Surgeon with over 12 years of rich experience. His area of interest lies in understanding the needs of the patients. The planned execution of treatment based on those needs is rewarded by the confidence gained by the patient’s smile.
- Successfully administered state level mock exam for Mch urology residents , contributed to the advancement of urological practices and research, by demonstrating exceptional skills.
- Prestigiously chaired a session at RUSCON 2024, successfully moderated dynamic discussions and presentations, fostering knowledge sharing among renowned experts and delegates.
USI (Urology Society of India)
NZUSI, (North Zone Urology Society of India)
RUS (Rajasthan Urology Society)
Council Member Jus
Multiple Renal Arteries in Live Donor Renal Transplantation; Impact on Graft Function and Outcome: A Retrospective Study
Erectile Dysfunction in Renal Transplant Patient - A Prospective Observational Study
Our Renal Transplant Protocols during COVID-19 Times – A Prospective Study from High-Volume Tertiary Center of North India
A Rare Case of OHVIRA Syndrome with Urethral Stenosis
A Rare Case of Stuck Guidewire with Foley Catheter in Urethra due to Knotting
Renal transplant in a patient of severe haemophilia. 37/1/ 87—89/ https://www.indianjurol.com/printarticle.asp?issn=0970-1591;year=2021;volume=37;issue=1;spage=87;epage=89;aulast=Malik.
Correlation of methods of glomerular filtration rate estimation: Cockcroft–gault equation, modification of diet in renal disease, chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration, and DTPA renography in prospective renal donors -a retrospective analytical study. 14/03/230—234/ https://www.ijtonline.in/printarticle.asp?issn=2212-0017;year=2020;volume=14;issue=3;spage=230;epage=234;aulast=Malik;type=0
OPEN VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA REPAIR- OUR EXPERIENCE IN 20 CASES. Volume-9 | Issue-5 https://www.worldwidejournals.com/international-journal-of-scientific-research-(IJSR)/article/open-vesicovaginal-fistula-repair-our-experience-in-20-cases/MjUwNDE=/?is=1&b1=1281&k=321
Prospective Study of 500 Cases of TURP. Volume 6 | Issue 2/ https://www.ijcmr.com/uploads/7/7/4/6/77464738/ijcmr_2317_v1_1.pdf
Management of Anterior Urethral Stricture: Experience from Tertiary Level Hospital in Jaipur. Volume 18, Issue 1/ http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jdms/papers/Vol18-issue1/Series-7/N1801078487.pdf
Radical cystectomy and various forms of urinary diversions : a single centre experience of 25 cases Volume 4 | Issue 1 https://www.ijcmsr.com/uploads/1/0/2/7/102704056/ijcmsr_286.pdf
Prospective Study of 200 cases of staghorne calculus – A singal Center Experience. Volume-8 | Issue-3 https://www.worldwidejournals.com/international-journal-of-scientific-research-(IJSR)/fileview.php?val=March_2019_1551445625__24.pdf
Comparison of differential function of both kidneys in a healthy renal donor. Volume: 13 | IssueNumber: 2/10.4103/ijot.ijot_79_18
Horseshoe kidney and renal cell carcinoma: a rare entity and article. 5, Issue: 31 https://jebmh.com/latest_articles/97726
Comparative Analysis Of Sildosine And Tamsulosin In Distal Ureteric Calculus Treatment. 2016/979,4647-4649 /
Pneumatic Lithotriptor vs Holmium: YAG Laser in management of Ureteral Calculus. 4(11B)/ http://saspublisher.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/SJAMS-411B-3957-3959.pdf
Clinical use of low dose tadalafil in combination with alpha blocker in the management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Lower Urinary Tract. Vol. 5, Issue 12/ https://www.jemds.com/data_pdf/3_Manish%20GUpta--Afs--Arv.pdf
Double j Stents and Antibiotics in minimally invasive urosurgery : peri – interventional vs continuous low dose : a single center experience. Vol. 3/Issue 36/
Renal Function and adaptive Changes after redical or partial nephrectomy: a single centre study Vol. 3/Issue 14
A Retrospective study of percutaneous nephrolithotomy performed for the Management of renal calculus: Five-year experience of 1000 cases DOI: 10.18410/jembmh/2015/877
A Retrospective study of retrograde urethroscopy performed for the management of ureteric calculus; six-year experience DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/1897
A Retrospective Study of Suprscostal puncture in PCNL for the management of renal calculus: Five Year Exprance JEMDS 4/10/2015
Clinical use of low dose tadalafil in combination with alpha blocker in the management of beaning prostatic hyperplasiaand lower urinary tract symptoms: a comparative analysis on IPSS , BPH Impact Index And QOL
A single center experience on the management of hypospadias
Complete urethral duplication presenting with symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction: A case report
Primary Squamous cell Carcinoma of renal pelvis associated with renal calculus and recurrent pyonephrosis
percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty and endovascular stenting of a week old renal artery trauma due to blunt abdominal injury and revascularization of the kidney.
Reconstruction of a short renal vein with a remodeled spiral saphenous vein graft in live donor kidney transplant.