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Dr. Lokesh Maan


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Professor Dr. Lokesh Maan is an extremely experienced and skilled respiratory physician in Jaipur. He has expertise in various obstructive airway diseases, such as asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis. He completed a fellowship in critical care from a renowned institute and manages critical cases related to respiratory failure. Dr. Maan is especially skilled in pulmonary interventions, including tracheal stents and balloon dilation.

  • ICS : Indian Chest Society
  • ICAAI: Indian College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
  • ERS : European Respiratory Society
S.No. Title of Paper Name/s of the Author/s Name of the Journal Year of Publication
1 Medical Thoracoscopic Assessment of Pleural Abnormalities in Patients With Malignant Pleural Effusion Dr. Lokesh Maan Indian Journal of Respiratory Medicine 2020
2 Study to Evaluate the Diagnostic Yield of Induced Sputum and Bronchial Washing by Zeihl Neelson technique and CB-NAAT in Clinico-Radiologically Suspected Sputum Smear NegativeUnable to expectorate Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Dr. Lokesh Maan European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2022
3 Retrospective study of Diagnostic eficacy and safety of thoracoscopic pleural biopsy in undignosed exudative pleural effusion cases. Dr. Lokesh Maan European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2022
4 Study to Evaluate the diagnostic yield of induced sputum and bronchial washing by Zeihl neelson technique and CBNAAT in clinico - radiologically suspected sputum smear negative. Dr. Lokesh Maan European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine 2022
5 Retrospective study of Diagnostic eficacy and safety of thoracoscopic pleural biopsy in undignosed exudative pleural effusion cases. Dr. Lokesh Maan European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine 2022
6 Radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis in HIV -co-infected patients and correlation of the findings with CD4 counts. Dr. Lokesh Maan Saudi journal for health Sciences 2023
7 Radiographic manifestation of tuberculosis in HIV-co-infected patients and correlation of the findings with CD4 counts. Dr. Lokesh Maan Saudi journal for health Sciences 2023

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