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Dr. Manish Gupta

Professor & Unit Head

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I am well trained in Urology and performing surgeries like TURP, URSL, PCNL and Radical surgeries like Radical Nephrectomy, Partial Nephrectomy, Radical cystectomy and Neo Bladder, Radical Prostatectomy Renal Transplant Surgery We are doing about 350+ Renal transplantations surgeries in a year. Reconstructive procedures like Urethroplasty, Pyeloplasty, Ureteric reimplantation, Hypospadias repair and all sorts of minimal invasive surgery by laparoscopic technique are practiced. I am also involved in teaching of UG, PG and M. Ch Students in the Institution. also conducted Exams as internal examiner and participating in public welfare camps

  • President Jaipur Urology Society,
  • Hon. Treasurer Royal Urology Society Rajasthan,
  • Organised many state, Reginal and National level Conferences,
  • Supervised Renal transplant in MDM Hospital (S.N. Medical collage) Jodhpur 09-07-2023,
  • invited as operating faculty in 8th live advanced lap Uro workshop 2023 at civil hospital Ahmedabad.
  • Faculty world Video Urology 2022 Ahmedabad,
  • Invited as guest speaker in symposiums, Talks and as chairperson in various regional national and international Conferences
  • USI
  • RUS Rajasthan
  • JUS
  • Golden Bridge International Urology Alliance (GBIUA)
  • Evaluation of risk factors for fever and sepsis after ureteroscopic lithotripsy: A prospective observational study IJARS 28/10/22 Dr. Udit
  • Effect of visual internal urethrotomy on sexual functions in patients of urethral stricture- our institution experience IJARS Dr. Udit
  • Analysis Of Factors Influencing Recipient Outcome After Reanl Transplantation - A Retrospective Study Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Mehul
  • A Comparison Of Early Versus Conventional Practice Of Foley’s Catheter Removal After Transurethral Resection Of Prostate” –an Observational Study Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Mehul
  • “Outcomes And Complications Of Donor And Recipient Of Renal Transplantation: An Experience From Tertiary Care Centre, A Retrospective Observational Study” Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Sahil
  • “Effect of Warm Ischemia Time on Graft Outcome in Open Vs. Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy” Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Sahil
  • Multiple Renal Arteries in Live Donor Renal Transplantation; Impact on Graft Function and Outcome: A Retrospective Study Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Ankit Modi
  • “Management Of Ureteric Complication In Renal Transplant Recipients At A Tertiary Care Centre: A Retrospective Study" Indian Journal of Transplantation 2023 Dr. Ankit Modi
  • Salvage of Renal Allograft Rupture in a COVID-19-Positive Patient with Buttressing Rectus Sheath: An Innovative Approach Indian Journal of Transplantation Jul–Sep 2023. 17(3):p 348-352, Jul–Sep 2023 348-352 Sadasukhi, Nripesh; Sharma, Ashish; Malik, Sandeep*; Sadasukhi, T. C.; Gupta, H. L.; Gupta, Manish
  • Health-related Quality of Life with Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Study from a Tertiary Center in North India Indian Journal of Transplantation Jul–Sep 202317/3 p 301-309 Giri, Anant*; Sadasukhi, Nripesh; Sadasukhi, Trilok Chand; Gupta, Manish; Gupta, Hotilal; Sharma, Ashish; Goswami, Sonia1; Modi, Ankit
  • A prospective comparative study to evaluate safety and efficacy of pneumatic versus laser lithotripsy in mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology June 30, 2023 Urol 2023;11(3): 258-264 Ashish Sharma1 , Anant Giri1 , Gaurav Garg2 , Nripesh Sadasukhi1 , TC Sadasukhi1 , Hotilal Gupta1 , Manish Gupta1 , Sonia Goswami3 , Ankit Modi1
  • A Rare Case of OHVIRA Syndrome with Urethral Stenosis Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology Aug 2021 10.5005 10057-0158 Trilok Chand Sadasukhi, Ashish Sharma, Nripesh Sadasukhi, Manish Gupta, Ketul Patel
  • A Rare Case of Stuck Guidewire with Foley Catheter in Urethra due to Knotting Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology Aug 2021DOI: 10.500510057-0159 Trilok Chand Sadasukhi, Ashish Sharma, Nripesh Sadasukhi, Manish Gupta, Ketul Patel
  • Correlation of methods of glomerular filtration rate estimation: Cockcroft–gault equation, modification of diet in renal disease, chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration, and DTPA renography in prospective renal donors -a retrospective analytical study Indian Journal of transplantation 2020 14/3 230-234 Sandeep Malik, Amrit Pal Singh Gill, TC Sadasukhi, Hoti Lal Gupta, Manish Gupta, Ketul Patel
  • Open Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair- Our Experience In 20 Cases, International Journal Of Scientific Research May-2020 Volume-9 | Issue-5 Dr. Amrit Pal Singh Gill, Dr. Sandeep Malik, Dr. T. Sadasukhi., Dr. H. L Gupta Dr Manish Gupta
  • Prospective Study of 500 Cases of TURP IJCMR February 2019 Volume 6 | Issue 2 B1-B3 H.L. Gupta1, Manish Gupta2. Sandeep Malik3, Bhart Khadav4, Amrit Pal Singh5
  • Management of Anterior Urethral Stricture: Experience from Tertiary Level Hospital in Jaipur IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences January. 2019 Volume 18, Issue 1 PP 84-87 Dr. Manish Gupta a, Dr. Hoti Lal Gupta b, Dr.Amrit Pal Singh Gill c, Dr. Bharat Khadav d, Dr. Sandeep Malik e
  • Comparative Analysis Of Sildosine And Tamsulosin In Distal Ureteric Calculus Tretment Jebmh 2018 Dr. Govind Sharma, Dr. Bharat Khadav, Dr. T.C.sadasukhi, Dr . Manish Gupta, Dr. Hoti Lal Gupta
  • Pneumatic Lithotriptor vs Holmium: YAG Laser in management of Ureteral Calculus SJAMS 2016 4(11B) 3957-3959 Dr. Govind Sharma, Dr. Bharat Khadav, Dr. T.C.sadasukhi, Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. Hoti Lal Gupta
  • Radical cystectomy and various forms of urinary diversions: a single centre experience of 25 cases IJMSR 2019 Volume 4 | Issue 1 A38-A41 Manish Gupta 1, H.L. Gupta2, Sandeep Malik3, Bhart Khadav4, Amrit Pal Singh5
  • Prospective Study of 200 cases of staghorne calculus – A singal Center Experience Journal of Scientific- 2019 H.L. Gupta1, Manish Gupta2, Amrit Pal Singh3, Bhart Khadav4, Sandeep Malik5
  • Horseshoe Kidney And Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Rare Entity And Article Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2018 July 5, Issue: 31 2340-2343 Manish Gupta 1, Bhart Khadav2 H.L. Gupta3, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi4, Amrit Pal Singh5
  • A Retrospective Study of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy performed for the Management of Renal Calculus: Five Year Experience of 1000 cases Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare2015: September 2015 6406-6411 Dr. H.L. Gupta, Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Comparison of differential function of both kidneys in a healthy renal donor 2019 Volume: 13 | IssueNumber: 2 Page: 115-117 Dr. H.L. Gupta, Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Foreign body (Kidney Bean) in urinary bladder an unusual case report Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2018 Jun 26 j.amsu.2018.06.009 32: 22-25 Ankita Jain, Manish Gupta, T.c. Sadasukhi K. K. dangayach
  • A Retrospective Study of Retrograde Ureteroscopy performed for the Management of Ureteric Calculus: Five Year Experience Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 21 Sept 2015(Vol. 4, Issue 76) Dr. H.L. Gupta, Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi
  • A Retrospective Study of Supracostal puncture in PCNL for the Management of Renal Calculus: Five Year Experience Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 12 oct 2015(Vol. 4, Issue 82) Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. H.L. Gupta, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Clinical use of low dose tadalafil in combination with alpha blocker in the management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Lower Urinary Tract Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 11 Feb 2016 Vol. 5, Issue 12 Dr. Manish Gupta, Dr. H.L. Gupta, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Double j Stents and Antibiotics in minimally invasive urosurgery : peri – interventional vs continuous low dose : a single center experience Dr. Suraj Godara, Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi, Dr. Manish Gupta , Dr. H.L. Gupta Dr. Govind Sharma
  • Renal Function and adaptive Changes after redical or partial nephrectomy: a single centre study Dr. Suraj Godara, Dr. Harish Gupta,Dr. Shameer Deen, Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi, Dr. Manish Gupta , Dr. H.L. Gupta
  • Management of inappropriate sinus tachycardia with ivabradine in a renal transplant recipient Vipine Kumar Goyal, Suraj Godara, T.C. Sadasukhi, HL Gupta
  • Hemothorax after percutaneous nephrolithotomy via a supracostal puncture Shameer Deen, Manish Gupta, T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Renal Pelvis associated with Renal Calculus and Recurrent Pyonephrosis Shameer Deen, H.L. Gupta, Manish Gupta, T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Complete urethral duplication presenting with sympto
  • ms of bladder outlet obstruction: A case report World Journal of Urology Shameer Deen, T.C. Sadasukhi, H.L. Gupta, Manish Gupta
  • Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty and Endovascular Stenting of a week-old renal artery trauma due to blunt abdominal injury and revascularization of the kidney. Shameer Deen, Deepesh Agarwal, Manish Gupta, H.L. Gupta, T.C. Sadasukhi
  • Reconstruction of a short renal vein with a remodeled spiral saphenous vein graft in live donor kidney transplant T.C. Sadasukhi, Shameer Deen, M.A. Chisti, S. Godhara, H.L. Gupta, Manish Gupta

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