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Dr. Minal Soni

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Minal Soni is an IVF and infertility specialist with 5 years of focused experience in the field. Her areas of special interest include infertility sonography, high-risk pregnancy management, and fertility enhancing minimal invasive surgery . She is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for infertile couples, guided by a commitment to honest and ethical medical practices, always prioritizing the best outcomes for her patients. In addition to her specialization in infertility, Dr. Minal Soni has 12 years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology, including 2 years of teaching experience in M.Ch. Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. Her extensive expertise and patient-centric approach make her a trusted name in her field.

Specialty Interest

Infertility sonography, high risk pregnancy and fertility preservation

  • Dr. Neera Agarwal Gold medal” for best paper in 41st annual conference of AOGD, 2019
  • Member of ISAR (Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction),
  • IFS (Indian Fertility Society)
  • FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India)
  • Safety of Multi Foetal Pregnancy Reduction : A Tertiary Care Centre Based Prospective Cohort Study , Journal of Chemical Health Risks, JCHR (2023) 13(6), 3205-3211 | ISSN:2251-6727
  • Efficacy of fetal renal volume & its doppler flow in prediction of intra uterine growth retardation

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