Dr. Nimisha Gupta is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with over 5 years of experience. She is specialized in infertility. She is a dedicated professional and believes in discharging all her duties with honesty. She is passionate about academics and strives to work better and better every day on her clinical & surgical skills. A committed clinician and academician with interest in rapidly advancing science, she holds promising to work hard for better patient cure and improved health care system.
- Awarded winner in State Level Paediatrics Quiz held at Jaipur in final year of MBBS.
- Awarded winner in State Level Paediatrics Quiz held at Jaipur in final year of MBBS.
- Presented at All India National Conference AICOG held in Lucknow, 2020 on a case report of “Mullerian Anomaly of Uterus”.
- Presented at NARCHI held in Jaipur, 2017 on a case report of “Hysteroscopic Pregnancy”.
- Research article on A Prospective Clinical Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Relation to
Amniotic Fluid Index in Pregnant Females Beyond 36 weeks of Gestation at Tertiary
- Research article on A Prospective Clinical Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Relation to
Oligohydramnios in Pregnancies Beyond 36 weeks of Gestation.