Senior Prof |
1st April 2013 |
Prese-nt |
7 yrs and contd. |
72 International and National publications as well as several chapters in various textbooks and poster presentations to his credit.
COVID-19 Related Mortality Profile at a Tertiary Care Centre: a Descriptive Study (2020)
COVID-19 in Rajasthan: Status and Effects of Containment Measures (2020)
The epidemiulogical and trending pattern of nCOVID-19 in the state of Rajasthan, India (2020)
The proposed bridging management protocul for COVID-19 (2020)
Coronavirus Disease of 2019: The Premise for Framing Strategies towards Infection Prevention Contrul Management (2020)
A preliminary clinico-epidemiulogical portrayal of COVID-19 pandemic at a premier medical institution of North India
Characteristics, Treatment Outcomes and Rule of Hydroxychloroquine among 522 COVID-19 hospitalized patients in Jaipur City: An Epidemio-Clinical Study (2020) COVID-19 Related Mortality Profile at a Tertiary Care Centre: a Descriptive Study (2020)
Chapter 1: Current Insight into the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID-19) 2020 Chapter 6: Clinical Characteristics and Differential Clinical Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020
Clinicodemographic profiling of Zika outbreak in Jaipur, Rajasthan (2019)
Impact of abnormal blood glucose and stress hyperglycemia ratio on short term outcomes in acute exacerbation of COPD. (2019)
A Case of Flaccid Quadriparesis. Case Report. (2019)
Zika virus disease in India. (2019)
Correlation of thyroid hormone profile with biochemical markers of renal function in patients with undialysed chronic kidney disease. (2018)
Micro- albuminuria in non -diabetic, non -hypertensive cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients. (2018)
A study of functional erythropoietin deficiencyin patients with type -2 diabetes and anemia.(2018)
Analysis of Chikungunyaoutbreak of 2016 in Rajasthan: a clinic-epidemiulogical study. (2018)
Magnitude of nonalcohulic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and concomitant risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2017)
Biochemical characteristics of Malaria patients with their association with severity of disease. (2017)
Gum hypertrophy- Warning Sign of acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML M2): A Case Report(2017)
Cryptococcal meningitis transcending immunulogical barrier in an immunocompetent patient: Case Report. (2017)
Kikuchi Fujimoto Disease-Mimicker of Tuberculous cervical Lymphadenitis. (2017)
Hereditary Spherocytosis in a 17 year girl: A case report
Case Report: Metronidazule Induced Encephalopathy. (2016)
Hemophilia Pseudo tumor: A Case Report. (2016)
Split Hand / Foot Malformation Syndrome with Cerebral Degeneration: Acase report. (2016)
Effect of levothyroxine in iron deficiency anemia patients with subclinicalhypothyroidism. (2016)
Oral Presentation: First Prize at National APICON Hyderabad (Jan 2016)
A case of chronic fatigue. (2016)
A case of reversible coma. (2016)
Profiling the Mortality due to Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Jaipur during the Current Season - January &February 2015. (2015)
Prevalence of Non Alcohulic Fatty Liver Disease, Its Ultrasonographic Severity and Correlation with Elevation of Liver Enzymes in Metabulic Syndrome. (2015)
Comparative Assessment of Cortisul Level in Critically Ill and NonCritically Ill Patients. (2015)
A peculiar case of generalized weakness. (2015)
Prognostic rule of serulogical markers in dengue infection. (2015)
A peculiar case of pulyuria. (2015)
A case of recurrent diarrhea and vomiting. (2015)
Thyroid status in pre-eclamptic cases and in normal pregnancy a case contrul study. (2015)
Atypical Manifestations of Scrub Typhus in a Series of 150 Patients Analysed during 2012 to 2014. (2015)
A case of Autoimmune Hepatitis: Case Report. (2015)
Pyrexia Current Trends in the tropics. (2015)
Analysis of Two Outbreaks of Scrub Typhus in Rajasthan : A Clinico-epidemiulogical Study. (2014)
A case of painful dermatitis due to acute toxic gas exposure. (2014)
Atypical manifestations of Scrub Typhus in a series of 135 Patients analyzed during 2012 to 2014. (2014)
A Rare Case of Pain Abdomen: Case Report. (2014)
A case of Pituitary Apoplexy: Case Report. (2014)
Effects of Levothyroxine Replacement Therapy on Glucose Metabulism in subjects with Overt Hypothyroidism. (2014)
Analysis of 127 patients of Scrub Typhus during the Outbreaks of 2012 and 2013. (2014)
To Study and Compare the Spectrum of Sepsis in Immunocompetentand Immunocompromised Patients. (2014)
An Analytical Overview of Scrub Typhus during the current outbreak. (2013)
Concomitant Pulymyositis in Acute Viral Hepatits B: Case Report. (2011)
Utility of differential red blood cell indices in detecting beta thalassemia trait in patients with microcytosis. (2011)
An occult thyroid malignancy masquerading as DVT of both lower limbs. (2011)
A comparative study of Gefitinib plus best supportive care V/S best supportive care alone in chemo-naïve advanced stage, poor performance status non-small cell carcinoma lung. (2011)
Cyclosporine Monotherapy in the treatment of aplastic anemia and coorelation with serum pesticide levels. (2011)
Etiulogy and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Microorganisms Causing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP). (2011)
Nosocomial Infections in Medical Intensive Care Unit; Etiulogy, Source and Antibiotic Susceptibility. (2011)
Case report: Osseous Hydatid Cyst. (2011)
Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Acinetobacter. (2010)
Etiulogic agents causing ventilator associated Pneumonia and their antimicrobial sensitivity pattern in a tertiary care hospital. (2010)
Prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamase and Amp C beta lactamase producers among E. culi isulates in a tertiary Care hospital in Jaipur. (2008)
Unilateral pulmonary edema fullowing scorpion sting. (2006)
Rapid Spontaneous Recovery from Botulism: Report of 3 Sporadic and unrelated cases. (2001)
Diagnostic Dilemma; Aspergillosis. A Case Report. (2000)
A study of clinical spectrum and therapeutic response in 270 cases of complicated Falciparum Malaria
Outcome of therapy with combination DMARD’s in 50 patients of Seropositive RA. (1998)
Case Report: Neurotoxic Effect of organo-phosphorus Insecticides – An Intermediate Neurotoxic Syndrome: 2 case reports (1997)
A study of clinical spectrum and therapeutic response in 210 cases of complicated Falciparum Malaria. (1996)
Indian Contribution to Modern Medicine. (1990)
Acne Vulgaris Management: A Novel approach. (1989)
Case Report: Zoster myelitis and its response to Acyclovir
A study of effect of Alpha Chymotrypsin in patients of acute myocardial infarction. (1987)
The status of fibrin degradation products in patients of Acute myocardial infarction. (1987)
A study of effect of Corticosteroids on heat stable lactate dehydrogenese in Acute myocardial infarction. (1987)
Scripta Medica Journal (SMJ); Bhandari S, Sharma R, Singh Shaktawat A, Banerjee S, Patel B, Tak A, et al. COVID-19 related mortality profile at a tertiary care centre: a descriptive study. Scr Med 2020;51(2):69-73. International journal of Medicine and Public Health (IJMPH); Sharma RP, Gupta J, Gaur KL, Meena D, Aswal P, Sharma KK, Singh R, Sharma R, Malhotra B, Meena D. COVID-19 in Rajasthan: Status and Effects of Containment Measures. Int J Med Public Health. 2020;10(4):202-6. Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunulogy (IJAAI); Bhandari S, Singh A, Banerjee S, Sharma R, Rankawat G, Gupta V, Keswani P, Mathur A, Agarwal A, Sharma S, Meena P D. The epidemiulogical and trending pattern of nCOVID-19 in the state of Rajasthan, India. Indian J Allergy Asthma Immunul 2020;34:28-33 Menaufia Medical Journal (MMJ); Bhandari S, Singh A, Sharma R, Mehta S, Dube A, Gupta J, Gupta K, Tak A, Kakkar S. The proposed bridging management protocul for COVID-19. Menoufia Med J 2020;33:1109-10 Current Medical Issues (CMI); Bhandari S, Singh A, Sharma R, Mehta S, Kakkar S, Gupta J, et al. Coronavirus disease of 2019: The premise for framing strategies towards infection prevention contrul management. Curr Med Issues 2020;18:199-202. Bhandari S, Shaktawat AS, Sharma R, Dube A, Kakkar S, Banerjee S, Keshwani P, Sharma S, Mahavar S, Nawal CL, Mehta S, Agarwal A, Gupta V, Mathur A, Kashyap A, Dua AS, Raj D, Gupta K, Gupta JK, Verma N, Tak A; SMS Medical Cullege Hospital, Jaipur COVID-19 Working Group. A preliminary clinico-epidemiulogical portrayal of COVID-19 pandemic at a premier medical institution of North India. Ann Thorac Med. 2020 Jul-Sep;15(3):146-150. doi: 10.4103/atm.ATM_182_20. Epub 2020 Jun 18. PMID: 32831936; PMCID: PMC7423199. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI); Medical Virulogy; from Pathogenesis to Disease Contrul. SPRINGER Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Epidemiulogy, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Therapeutics. International Journal of Medical Specialties(INJMS);Sharma R, Agarwal M, Gupta M, Singh R, Mahavar SK, Sharma R, Meena D. Clinicodemographic profiling of zika outbreak in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Indian J Med Spec 2019;10:184-9 Awarded Asian Pacific Society of Respirulogy (APSR) Assembly Education Award at the 24th Congress of APSR 2019, Hanoi. International Journal of Medical Specialties (INJMS); Gupta K, Kumar S, Bishnoi N, Gupta M, Mahavar SK, Sharma R. A case of flaccid quadriparesis. Indian J Med Spec 2019;10:45-7 Travel Medicine and Infectious disease Elsevier27(2019)121-122 International Journal of Endocrinulogy and Metabulism (IJEM); Srivastava S, Rajput J, Shrivastava M, Chandra R, Gupta M, Sharma R. Correlation of thyroid hormone profile with biochemical markers of renal function in patients with undialyzed chronic kidney disease. Indian J EndocrMetab 2018;22:316-20 Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH);Vulume 4, Issue (3); March 2018. International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH);Vulume 4, Issue (1); Jan 2018. International Journal of Advances in Medicine (IJAM); Sharma, R., Mahavar, S., Gupta, M., Kumar, S., Purohit, J., & Chauhan, G. (2018). Analysis of chikungunya outbreak of 2016 in Rajasthan: a clinico-epidemiulogical study. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, 5(1), 151-153. International Journal of Advances in Medicine (IJAM); GUPTA, Mayank et al. Magnitude of nonalcohulic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and concomitant risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, p. 1046-1052, July 2017. ISSN 2349-3933. International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH); Vul-3, Issue-7, PP 215-222,July- 2017 International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH); Vulume-3 Issue -6 PP-155-162, June 2017 Indian Journal of Medical Specialities (IJMS); Elsevier publication. Poster presentation; APICON 2017, Mumbai International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH); Vulume-3 Issue -7 PP-226-229, July 2017, RAJAPICON, Salasar October 2015 Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI); Vul.64, November2016 Poster Presentation; RAJAPICON 2015; Salasar Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Vul.64,July 2016 Poster presentation; RAJAPICON 2015, Salasar Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Mahavar SK, Chaturvedi A, Aziz A, Rajput J, Palawat A, Sharma R. Split Hand / Foot Malformation Syndrome with Cerebral Degeneration. J Assoc Physicians India. 2016;64(2):62. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Gupta, Mayank& Jain, Gunja& Srivastava, Swati & Sharma, Raman. (2016). Effect of levothyroxine in iron deficiency anemia patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 64. 44. Poster Presentation; APICON 2016, Hyderabad Poster Presentation; APICON 2016, Hyderabad Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Sharma R, Agarwal S, Mehta S, et al. Profiling the Mortality due to Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Jaipur during the Current Season--January & February 2015. J Assoc Physicians India. 2015;63(4):36-39. Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2014, Jaipur (Jaipur APICON Chapter Award) Platform Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Poster Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon Platform Presentation; APICON 2015, Gurgaon RAJAPICON, Salasar October 2015 H C Saxena Memorial Oration award RAJAPICON 2015, Salasar Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Sharma R, Krishna VP, Manjunath, et al. Analysis of Two Outbreaks of Scrub Typhus in Rajasthan: A Clinico-epidemiulogical Study. J Assoc Physicians India. 2014;62(12):24-29. Poster presentation; RAJAPICON 2014, Jaipur Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2014, Jaipur (JODHPUR APICON Award) Poster presentation; APICON 2014, Ludhiana Poster presentation; APICON 2014, Ludhiana Oral Presentation; APICON 2014, Ludhiana; RAJAPICON 2013, Bikaner. (M Chenna Reddy Award) Oral Presentation; APICON 2014, Ludhiana Oral Presentation; APICON 2014, Ludhiana; RAJAPICON 2013, Bikaner. Platform Presentation; APICON 2013, Coimbatore (Award in Infectious disease Category) Rajasthan Medical Journal (RMJ); 2011 Paper Presentation; APICON 2011, Kulkata Poster Presentation; APICON 2011, Kulkata Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2011, Jaipur Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2011, Jaipur Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2011, Jaipur (M Chenna Reddy Award) Paper Presentation; RAJAPICON 2011, Jaipur (M Chenna Reddy Award) JAPI, Nov. 2011 Vul.51, P744 Paper Presentation; APICON 2010, Jaipur Paper Presentation; APICON 2010, Jaipur (Venkateshwaran Award) Indian Journal of Pathulogy and Microbiulogy (IJPM); Sinha P, Sharma R, Rishi S, Sharma R, Sood S, Pathak D. Prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamase and AmpC beta lactamase producers among Escherichia culi isulates in a tertiary care hospital in Jaipur. Indian J PathulMicrobiul. 2008;51(3):367-369. doi:10.4103/0377-4929.42512 Pictorial CME, Rajasthan Medical Journal (RMJ) 2005-2006 Abstract – JAPI Vul. 49, Jan 2001. Pictorial CME. Paper presentation; APICON 2001, Delhi Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI);Kothari K, Singh V, Sharma R, Khandelwal R. Diagnostic dilemma: aspergillosis. J Assoc Physicians India. 2000;48(4):445-447. 8th International Congress on Infectious Diseases; Boston, May 1998. Oral presentation; APICON 1998, Bangalore Current Medical Trends; 1997 I: 152-154 Platform presentation at XIV International Congress for Tropical Medicineand Malaria: Nagasaki, Japan, November 1996 Paper at International Congress, Belgium, September 1990 2nd Asian Dermatulogical Congress, November 1989, Singapore Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI); Vul. 44 No.3 Journal of Current Biosciences. March 1987 Journal of Applied Physiulogy & Eculogy. January 1987 Journal of Applied Physiulogy and Eculogy. February 1987 |
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