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Dr. S. S. Jaiswal

Senior Professor

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Dr. (Maj. Gen.) SS Jaiswal is an alumnus of AFMC Pune and is an accomplished Surgeon & academician. He has completed both his graduation and post-graduation in Surgery from AFMC Pune, and has obtained Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery. He is also a fellow of the Association of Indian Surgeons. He has put in 37 years of noteworthy service in the Army Medical Corps, including 22 years of teaching experience. He was Prof and HoD, Department of Surgery, AFMC Pune and ACMS Delhi Cantt. He is also a recognised examiner in Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, King George medical University, West Bengal University of health sciences and National board of Examinations. He has authored 35 research articles in indexed journals- both national and international, has 18 publications in textbooks and resource materials, has presented 21 papers in various conferences He has been a member of the elite editorial board of Indian journal of surgery, and also was a member of Institutional Ethics Committee at AFMC Pune. He has held the prestigious appointments of Comdt Military Hospital Bareilly, and Commandant AFMSD Delhi. Dr. Jaiswal was awarded the Vice chief of army staff commendation in 2011 for his meritorious service.

  • VCOAS Commendation Card 2011
  • Association of surgeons of India
  • Association of Armed force Surgeon
  • Association of Breast Surgeons of India
  • Association of Minimal Access surgeons of India
  • Telemedicine Society of India
  • MS Sridhar, SS Jaiswal, Y Singh, PK Patnaik. Revision surgery for peptic ulcer recurrence. Ind J of Surg (1997): 231-135.
  • Rajan Chaudhry, KM Harikrishnan, SS Jaiswal, A Behl, VK Saxena. Splenic Hydatidosis, a report of three cases. MJAFI (1999);55 (1):71- 72.
  • SS Jaiswal. Surgeon and HIV infection, Post Exposure Prophylaxis: Need of the hour. Letter to editor. MJAFI (2001); 57(4):350.
  • SS Jaiswal. Spigelian Hernia – a case report. Ind J of Surg (2002); 64(6): 527-28.
  • SS Jaiswal, KS Brar, S Ramesh. Congenital Muscular Torticollis. MJAFI (2005); 61: 277-278.
  • SS Jaiswal. Congenital Muscular Torticollis: a few suggestions regarding treatment. Letter to editor. MJAFI (2005); 61(4):97.
  • SS Jaiswal. Dupuytren’s Contracture – a case report. The Ind Pract (2006); 59(7): 458- 460.
  • SS Jaiswal, Chaudhry R, Rajagopalan S, Anand S. Pilonidal Sinus Disease – Review article. The Ind Pract (2007); 60(11): 704 – 708.
  • A Agarwal, SS Jaiswal, N Roy, S Harish, V Baskaran. Unusual Presentation of Pleomorphic Adenoma Parotid. The Ind Pract (2007); 60(12): 787 – 780.
  • SS Jaiswal. Gastric Tonometry as a Prognostic Index of Mortality in Sepsis. Letter to editor. MJAFI (2008); 64(1):95.
  • SS Jaiswal. Complicated Inguinal Hernia – Diagnosis and Management (Review article). The Ind Pract (2008); 61(6): 367 – 371.
  • SS Jaiswal, Rajan Chaudhry, Amit Agrawal. Chronic Groin Pain Following Lichtenstein Mesh hernioplasty for Inguinal Hernia. Is it a Myth? Ind J of Surg (2009); 71 (2): 84 -88.
  • SS Jaiswal, RPS Gambhir, Amit Agrawal, S Harish. Efficacy of Topical Recombinant Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor on wound healing in Patients with Chronic Diabetic Lower Limb Ulcers. Ind J of Surg (2010); 72: 27 -31.
  • Amit Shah, Rajan Chaudhry, SS Jaiswal, RPS Gambhir. Alveolar Hydatid Disease. A Subcontinental Rarity. Trop Gastroenterol (2010); 31(2):119-20I.
  • Amit Goel, Usha Agarwal, SS Jaiswal, Manju Bhardwaj. Kimura’s disease: A rare case of axillary lymphadenopathy. Annals of Trop Med and Pub Health (2010); 3:26-27.
  • AK Shah, S Venkatesan, R Katoch, SS Jaiswal, RPS Gambhir, R Bhardwaj. Epithelial –Myoepithelial Carcinoma ex Pleomorphic Adenoma in Breast: An Exotic Rarity. MJAFI (2011); 67: 74-76.
  • SS Jaiswal, Darpan Gupta, Saket Davera. Stapled hemorrhoidopexy – initial experience from a general surgery center. MJAFI (2013); 69: 119 -123.
  • SS Jaiswal, Amit Agrawal, Kavita Sahai, Shrisha K Nair. Large retroperitoneal calcifying fibrous tumor. MJAFI (2013); 69: 184-186.
  • Amit Agrawal, V Baskaran, SS Jaiswal, Jayant H. Would a massive intra-abdominal malignant PNST with growth into the inguinal canal and scrotum preclude surgical option? Ind J of Surg (2013); 75(6): 500–503.
  • SS Jaiswal, M Talreja, B Chawla, G Chitkara, S Beedkar. Organ Preservation in splenic abscess. MJAFI (2014); 70: 195-197.
  • Rohit Mehra, Aswini K. Pujahari, S S Jaiswal. Duodenal heterotopic pancreatic tissue: a case report and literature review. Gastroenterology Report (2014) 1–4, doi:10.1093/gastro/gou049
  • Nikhil Moorchung, Vikram Singh, V Srinivas, SS Jaiswal, Gagandeep Singh. Caecal amebic colitis mimicking obstructing right sided colonic carcinoma with liver metastases: A rare case. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics (2014); 10(2):440-2.
  • Rajan Chaudhry, SS Jaiswal. Forward Surgical Care: Concepts and Considerations. The Combat Medic (2014); 3(2): 1-5.
  • SS Jaiswal, AK Pujahari, R Mehra. Congenital Morgagni Hernia. MJAFI (2015) 71(4): 396-399.
  • V Nair, D Sharma, AK Sahni, N Grover, S Shankar, SS Jaiswal et al. Antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in nosocomial pathogens at a tertiary care hospital in Pune. MJAFI (2015) 71(2):112-119.
  • SS Jaiswal, R Mehra, MR Pattnaik. Amoeboma—Lest We Forget!!! Ind J of Surg (2015); 77(1):190-192.
  • A Singh, SS Jaiswal. Incidentally Detected Carcinoma Gallbladder in Patients Undergoing Cholecystectomy. Indian J Surg (2018) 80: 369– 372.
  • V Nair, A.K. Sahni, D Sharma, N Grover, S. Shankar, A. Chakravarty, S Patrikar, K Methe, S.S. Jaiswal, S.S. Dalal, A Kapur, R Verma, J Prakash, A Gupta, A Bhansali, D Batura, G. Gopal Rao, D.P. Joshi, B.K. Chopra. Point prevalence & risk factor assessment for hospital-acquired infections in a tertiary care hospital in Pune, India. Indian J Med Res (2017) 145: 824-832.
  • Biju K Varghese, Nilanjan Roy, Arpan Yadav, SS Jaiswal. Open Mesh Repair for Ventral Hernias – Onlay or Preperitoneal: Analysis of a Young Surgeon’s Dilemma. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (2018); 7(3):33-37.
  • Metta JR, Mehra R, Jaiswal SS, Bhagwat AR, Singh G. Evaluation of radiofrequency ablation for primary varicose veins: A preliminary study. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2019); 6:37-41.
  • Singh V, Jaiswal SS. Risk stratification using appendicitis inflammatory response Score, a useful tool to reduce negative appendicectomy rate: Our experience. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (2019); 8:67-69.
  • Jaiswal SS. Forward Surgical Care with Mobile Surgical Team Concept. Charak: Indian Journal of Military Medicine. Vol 5: 17-19.
  • Prabhakar R, Jaiswal SS, Prakash R. Correlation between CT and operative findings in pancreatic cancers and role of pre-operative CA19- 9 values in predicting metastatic disease. Int Surg J. (2021);8(4):1247-1252.
  • Gupta A, Jaiswal SS, Verma C, Gupta P. Demographic Profile and Outcome of Neurosurgery in Covid Positive Patients, A Tertiary Care Centre Experience. International Journal of Current Advanced Research (2022); 11(4):560-62.
  • Chowdhry S, Jaiswal SS, Dwivedi S. A Study of Treatment Outcomes on the Basis of Revised Venous Clinical Severity Score in Patients of Varicose Veins Undergoing Surgical Management. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2023);10(2):133-139.
  • SS Jaiswal, Chaudhry Rajan. Strangulated Inguinal Hernia. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences KUP-TRS; Volume XII/2006: 23-27.
  • SS Jaiswal. Wounding and Ballistics – Facts and Concepts. SCALPEL (Newsletter of Association of Armed Forces Surgeons, A section of ASI) 2007; 2(2) 5-7.
  • SS Jaiswal, Chaudhry Rajan. Achalasia Cardia. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences KUP-TRS; Volume XIV/2007: 18-22.
  • SS Jaiswal. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. In: Chaudhry R, Rajagopalan S editors. Emergency Trauma Care. 1st ed. Department of Surgery Armed Forces Medical College, Pune. 2006: 8-12.
  • SS Jaiswal. Warfare Injuries. In: Chaudhry R, Rajagopalan S editors. Emergency Trauma Care. 1st ed. Department of Surgery Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.2006: 20-25.
  • Antia NH (late), SS Jaiswal. Surgery in leprosy. In: Chaudhry R, Baskaran V, Gambhir RPS editors. Tropical Surgery 1 st ed. Paras Medical Publisher Hyderabad. 2008: 235 -273.
  • SS Jaiswal. Fluid Resuscitation in Trauma Patients. SCALPEL (Newsletter of Association of Armed Forces Surgeons, A section of ASI) 2008; 3(1) 4-6.
  • SS Jaiswal. Missile and Blast Injuries. In Medical Officers’ Junior Command Course Précis 2006.
  • SS Jaiswal. Early Detection of Common Malignancies. In Medical Officers’ Junior Command Course Precis 2006.
  • SS Jaiswal. Shock and its Management. In Senior Dental Officers’ Course Precis 2006.
  • SS Jaiswal. Principles of Primary Care and Soft Tissue Management in Maxillo-facial Injuries. In Senior Dental Officers’ Course Precis 2006.
  • SS Jaiswal. DGAFMS Memorandum No. 88 ‘Care of Wounded in Forward Areas’ – 2013.
  • SS Jaiswal. Polytrauma: Early Assessment. In: Pujahari AK, Mehrotra S editors. Manual of Trauma Surgery. 2013: 1-9.
  • SS Jaiswal. Geriatric Trauma. In: Pujahari AK, Mehrotra S editors. Manual of Trauma Surgery. 2013: 158-170.
  • SS Jaiswal. Safety of Paramedical Staff. Proc Surg Conf AFMC: 2013:6:41-42.
  • SS Jaiswal. Strangulated Inguinal Hernia. In: Pujahari AK, Mehrotra S editors. Abdominal Emergencies: Non-Trauma. 2014: 163-169.
  • Chaudhry R, Jaiswal SS. Forward Surgical Care: Concepts and Considerations. The Combat Medic Vol 3 (2); 2013-14: 1-6.
  • SS Jaiswal, Bhattacharya H, Priyadarshini P, Aggarwal L, Chumber S. Minimal Access Surgery In: Dhawan IK, Chumber S, Gupta A editors. Essentials of Surgery (2nd edition) New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2016: 341-354

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