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Dr. Sanjay Singhal

Professor & Head

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Dr. Sanjay Singhal MBBS, M.S. FIAGES, is working in field of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery since last 25 yrs. in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital and performed more than 10,000 Laparoscopic surgeries. He is one of most renowned and most experienced laparoscopic surgeon in Rajasthan. He is also doing upper and lower G.I. endoscopies, Lap. Hernia, Lap. Pyeloplasty and all other major Abdominal Surgery. Dr. Sanjay Singhal is also doing Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery (for Morbid Obesity) in MG Hospital and done maximum no. of Bariatric surgery in state of Rajasthan. In his series average weight loss after surgery is 50-55 Kg in first year. Dr. Sanjay Singhal has also very well known for his gyanecological procedures mainely hystrectomy and other major surgeries. Dr. Singhal is only surgeon to perform diagnostic and Therapeutic Thoracoscopic surgeries. Presently his main interest and involvement is in field of Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgery.

  • Study completed as Principal investigator (PI).
  • For work excelliance in filed of Gen. Surgery , Awarded by Jaipur Medical Association
  • Maximum Cases under PMJY and Chiranjivi Yojna Central Health Minister Mr. Mansukh Mandawia in state of Rajasthan
  • Life member of MPS (Medical Practitioners Society, Jaipur)
  • Life member of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India)
  • Life member of IMA (Indian Medical Association)
  • Life Membership of Hernia Society of Rajasthan
  • Life Membership of RAMAS
  • A Randomised prospective study to evaluate outcomes in acute limb ischemia, Journal: Priya Roy, Sanjay Singhal, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Apoorv Khandelwal, Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 12, Issue-05, May -2023
  • Clinical study on serum electrolyte level changes in operated cases of ileostomy, Author: Priya Roy, Sanjay Singhal, Deepak Bishnoi, Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol. 12, Issue-05, May -2023
  • Blunt Trauma chest: A single institution prospective study, Author: Naman Singhal, Prashant Jain. Sanjay Singhal, Deepak Bishnoi, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol. 12, Issue-05, May -2023
  • Laparoscopic omental patch repair for duodenal ulcer perforation – A single institution I-X experience of 12 cases, Author: Naman Singhal, Sanjay Singhal, Prashant Jain, Deepak Bishnoi, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol. 12, Issue-05, May -2023
  • Newer Approach to ventral Hernia repair - Laparoscopic Transabdominal Retromuscular (TARM) Technique - A Retrospective study October 2022 Dr. Abadesh Sharma, Dr. Prashant jain , Dr. Sanjay Singhal , Dr. Saroj Chaabra ,Dr. Deepak Bishnoi , Dr. Bharat Bhushan Sharma
  • The Laparo- Endoscopic Enhanced View Totally Extra-peritoneal (e-TEP) Repair for Inguinal Hernia: Initial experience at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Jaipur. Authors: Dr. Abadhesh Sharma, Dr. Deepak Bishnoi, Dr. Sanjay Singhal, Dr. Saroj Kapoor Chhabra, Dr. Prashant Jain, Dr. Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Journal: International Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review, Vol. 5, Issue-5, Pg. no. 465-69, Oct. 2022
  • Intestinal Obstruction in a Biliary colic patient with cholecysto duodenal fistula – A rare case report - Author: Dr. Prashant Jain, Dr. Sanjay Singhal, Dr Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Dr. Deepak Bishnoi, Dr. Dhaval Desai Journal: International Journal of Scientific research : Volume-10 | Issue-8, August-2021
  • Gall bladder and hepatobiliary anomalies encountered during laparoscopic and open cholecystectomies: an institutional study, international journal of scientific research, Author: Dr. Sanjay Singhal, Dr. Dhaval Desai, Dr. Reedhi Garg, Vol. 10, Issue-07, July 2021
  • To Study the effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on BMI and Metabolic parameters in morbidity obese patients, Author: Dr Dhaval Desai, Dr Sanjay Singhal, Dr Saroj Chhabra Kapoor, Dr Aayushi Kedawat, Journal: International Journal of Scientific research Volume-10 | Issue-12 | December-2021
  • A comparative study on intra peritoneal onlay mesh repair(ipom) vs open onlay mesh repair for ventral hernia journal: international journal of scientific research, volume - 9 | issue - 11 | november - 2020 I print iss no. 2277 - 8179 | doi : 10.36106/ijsr Author: Dr. Siddharth Kumar Sinha, Dr. Sanjay Singhal, Dr. Rudhee Saighal, Dr. Dhaval Desai
  • Comparative study of raja isteri pengiran anak saleha Appendicitis (ripasa) and modified alvarado scoring system (mass) In reducing negative appendectomy, Author: Dr. Siddharth Kumar Sinha, Dr. Sanjay Singhal, Dr. Rudhee Saighal, Volume - 9 | Issue - 11 November – 2020
  • Midgut Malrotation with caecal colvulus in an adult presenting as acute intestinal obstruction – a case report, Journal: International Journal of Surgery, Author: Dr. Rudhee Sehgal, Dr. Jitendra Khandelwal, Dr. Shireesh Gupta, Vol. 9, Issue-7, July 2020
  • The Use of WhatsApp Messaging improves communication in surgery, Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical sceinces, Author: Dr. Ajay Sharma, Dr. Saniav Singhal, Pg No. 911-914
  • A Comparative Study on Postoperative Chronic Groin Pain in 'Suture' Vs 'Glue Mesh Fixation in Open Hernia Repair, Author: Dr. RajkamalKanojiya1, Dr Mudunuri Ravi Teja2, Dr Sanjay Singhal3, Dr. Siddharth Sinha4, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Volume 17, Issue 8 Ver. 4 (August.2018), PP 26-29
  • Comparison between Transabdominal Preperitoneal Repair (TAPP) vs Totally Extraperitoneal Repair TEP in Terms of Post - Operative Recovery and Psychological Satisfaction in Inguinal Hernia Patients Author: Ankur Avesthi1, Sanjay Singhal2, Ankur Kothari3, Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391 Year 2017
  • Comparison between Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) and Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) for Remission of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Morbidly Obese Patients Author: Ankur Kothari1, Rajkamal Kanojiya2, Mudunuri Ravi Teja3, Ankur Avesthi4, Sanjay Singhal5 , Journal International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISS (Online): 2319- 7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
  • Lateral Subcutaneous Internal Sphincterotomy or Anal Stretching, which is better for chronic Fissure: A prospective Study of 90 Cases: Journal: IJSR, Vol. 6 Issue 4, April 2017. Author: Raikamal Kanojiya, Ankur Avesthi, Madunuri Ravi Teja, Ankur Kothari.
  • Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty and Endovascular Stenting of a week old renal artery trauma due to blunt abdominal injury and revascularization of the kidney Author: Devansh Arora1, Ankur Avesthi2, Dhiraj Agarwal3, Sanjay Singhal4, Deepesh Agarwal5, Shameer Deen6, Journal: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports ISSN . 2347-6559 (Online) Sch J Med Case Rep 2016; 4(2): 105-109 ISSN 2347-9507 (Print)
  • Effect of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on lipid profile of obese patients in complete nine month follow up, Author: Sanjay Singhal, Dhiraj Agarwal*, Rajkamal Kanojiya, Devansh Arora, Ankur Avesthi, Ankur Kothari, International Surgery Journal, Singhal S et al. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb;3(1):42-46
  • Study of 292 patients for prediction of difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy using detailed history; clinical and radiological parameters: Author: Dhiraj Agarwal, Devansh Arora, Ankur Avesthi, Ankur Kothari, K.K. Danagayach, IJSR, Jan-March 2016, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Pg. no. 349-353
  • Comparative Study of 40 Cases of Bowel Surgery to See Use Efficacy of Hand Sutures Versus Stapled Sutures, Author: Ankur Kotharif, Rajkamal Kanojiya2, Ankur Avesthi3, Mudunuri Ravi Teja4, Sanjay Singhal5, Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391., Dec. 2016
  • Gaint Pilomatrixoma on Chest wall- A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature Ankur Avesthi Mudunuri Ravi Teja, Ankur Kothari3,Sanjay Singhal ,Rajkamal Kanojiya, Journal: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279- 0853, p-ISSN: 2279- 0861. Volume 15, Issue 8 Ver. VII (August. 2016), PP 01-02.
  • Efficacy of Orientation Training on the Knowledge of Infection Control Practices Among Nursing Staff in A Periurban Hospital in North India Dr. Priti Agarwal, L. Sumitra Devi, Dr. Megha Maheshwari, Dr. Sanjay Singhal

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