Dr. Sudhir Sachdev is the Chief Advisor to the Chairperson cum Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology (MGUMST), Jaipur - the first Self Financed Private Medical University in Rajasthan established on May 23, 2011. Prior to being the Chief Advisor, he was the President of MGUMST. He was the founder Pro-President of MGUMST for nine years since its inception.
After completing his MBBS and MD (Anaesthesia) from SMS Medical College, Jaipur he was Consultant Anaesthesiologist & Division Chief at Jaipur Fertility Centre (The Nation's premier Centre for Advanced Reproductive Technology and Gynaecological Endoscopy) for 10 years. He has experience of doing Observership at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA and Cornell University, NY, USA in anesthesia in ART procedures. He has special experience of working as Anaesthesiologist in the specialties of Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Advanced Reproductive Technology Procedures and the Orthopaedic Surgery.
He has vast experience of working at various administrative positions at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur which has 1450 plus beds and most advanced Nation’s Premier Sri Ram Cancer & Superspeciality Centre. He has been an integral part in the growth of the Institution right from its establishment. He has been instrumental in formulating new academic programs, curriculums and over all policies of the University. Dr. Sachdev has represented the University as member of the Medical Council of India for two terms. There he also served as a member of Finance Committee of the Council.
He is widely recognized as a connoisseur of Arts and Culture. His aspirations and endeavors are always for making the students not only best physicians & medical health care takers for ailment-free society but also as cultured noble citizens of the Nation.
Dr. Sachdev is committed towards effectively fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. His best efforts remain for achieving highest standards in the field of health care and delivering clinical goods at its best, academic development in terms of expanding knowledge in the field of medical education and collaboration with best global Institutes for high quality research.
S.No. |
Name of Award |
Year |
1 |
Numerous Literary & Cultural Excellence Awards in All India Youth Festivals of Various Universities of India |
1979 to 1988 |
2 |
Distinguished Alumnus Award in 4 Decade Celebration (SMS Medical College, Jaipur) |
1988 |
3 |
Best student award in the 1979 batch Silver Jubilee Celebration of SMS Medical College |
2004 |
4 |
Distinguished Alumnus Award in 7 Decade Celebration (SMS Medical College) |
2019 |
5 |
Distinguished Alumnus Award in Diamond Jubilee Celebration (SMS Medical College) |
2023 |
6 |
Distinguished Service Award by Indian Medical Association (IMA) |
2014 |
7 |
Distinguished Doctor Award by JMA |
2015 |
Additional Achievements
Elected Member of Medical Council of India, New Delhi representing the Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology, Jaipur from 09/12/2013 to 08/08/2019.
Member Finance Committee, Medical Council of India, New Delhi from 19/12/2013 to 08/08/2019.
Honorary Secretary, Indian Medical Association, Jaipur South
Life Member, Indian Medical Association.
Life Member, Jaipur Medical Association.
Life Member, Indian Society of Anesthesiologists.
Life Member, Jaipur Chapter of Anesthesiologists.
Advisor, Jaipur Anaesthesiology Academy Foundation (JAAF) - working for the upliftment of Academic standards in Anaesthesia and responsibilities of the Anaesthesiologists to the society at large.
Sudhir Sachdev, Vigya Goyal, Saravjot Kaur Sandhu, Vishnu Kumar Garg, Khayyam, Durga Jethava : Comparison between oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block and rectus sheath block for midline incision abdominal surgeries, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2023; 10(01):3821–3829
Sachdev S, Vigya Goyal, Surabhi Gupta, Durga Jethava, Dharamdas Jethava : A comparative study of intrathecal morphine v/s nalbuphine along with bupivacaine in laparoscopic gynaecological procedures, Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia 2022; 9(1):32–36
Sachdev S, Dr Aarti Gupta, Dr Kalpana Verma, Dr Durga Jethava : Comparison of erector spinae plane block versus quadratus lumborum block for post-cesarean section analgesia under spinal anesthesia, International Journal of Scientific Research : 2021; 10(07):66–69
Sudhir Sachdev, Ravindra Sisodia, Vibha Soni, Durga Jethava; Comparison of dexmedetomidine with ketamine for their effects on amplitude of motor evoked potential intraoperatively, Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia 2020; 7(2):267–271
Sachdev S, Parekh K M, Malawat A, Jethava D, Mansuri T. Comparison of intrathecal dexmedetomidine and intrathecal fentanyl as an adjuvant with hyperbaric bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia in lower limb surgeries. A prospective randomized clinical trial. Indian J ClinAnaesth 2020;7(2):226-232
Sachdev S, Sharma V, Malawat A, Jethava D, Moin K; Comparison of levobupivacaine alone and levobupivacaine with dexmedetomidine in supraclavicular brachial plexus block: A prospective randomized clinical trial.;Indian J ClinAnaesth 2020;7(1):16-22
Aman Malawat, Durga Jethava, Sudhir Sachdev, Dharam Das Jethava; Erector spinae plane block for breast oncological procedure as a surrogate to general anaesthesia: A retrospective study, Indian J Anaesth 2020; 64 (4): 328-33
Sachdev S, Malawat A, Jethava D; Role of Oral Pregabalin as Premedication in Attenuation of Hemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy, Intubation, and Extubation in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Mahatma Gandhi Univ Med SciTech2018;xx(x):1-6.
Kaidan S, Verma K, Jethava D, Jethava D, Sachdev S. Comparison of Nerve Stimulator Guided Technique and Ultrasound Guided Technique of Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block In Upper Limb Surgeries. J AnesthClin Res (2019) 10: 883.
Narendra Singh Deval, Durga Jethava, Sudhir Sachdev, D. D. Jethava. A Comparative Study of Preincisional Infiltration of Levobupivacaine 0.2% and Ropivacaine 0.375% for Postoperative Analgesia after Abdominal Surgery under General Anesthesia. Int J Med Res Prof. 2018 Jan; 4(1):582-87.
Gupta Priyamvada, Mongia Pooja, Jethava Durga, Sachdev Sudhir. A Comparison of Emergence Characteristics with the use of Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and Desflurane in Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgeries under General Anaesthesia. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2017 Jan; 16; 37-41.
Dr. Birbal Baj, Dr. Ruchika Choudhary, Dr. Mohit Somani, Dr. Kashif M. Madani, Dr. Sudhir Sachdev. Kidney transplantation: Anesthetic consideration. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 14, Issue 10 Ver. V (Oct. 2015), PP 108-111
Dr. Priyamvada Gupta, Dr. Anshika Sharma, Dr. Sudhir Sachdev, Dr. Durga Jethava. Study to Assess the Role of Dexmedetomidine in Patients Undergoing Craniotomies and Laminectomies under General Anaesthesia. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 6 Ver. VI (Jun. 2015), PP 37-42
Mohit Somani, Vijay Mathur, Sudhir Sachdev, Durga Jethava. Role of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate in Spine Surgery for Hypotensive Anesthesia; A Randomized Control Trial. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2015;2(4):818-821.
Madani Kashif M., Mohit Somani, Khyyam Moin, Sudhir Sachdev, Durga Jethava, Vijay Mathur. Comparative study of different doses of dexmedetomidine in spinal anaesthesia in lower limb orthopaedic procedures.. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, vol. 3, no. 62, 2014, p. 13723.
Dr. Kashif M. Madani, Dr. Mohit Somani, Dr. Khyyam Moin, Dr. Sudhir Sachdev, Dr. Durga Jethava, Dr. Vijay Mathur.Comparative Study of Different Doses of Dexmedetomidine In Spinal Anaesthesia in Lower Limb Orthopaedic Procedures. Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences 2014;volume 3,p13723-13729.
Dr. M. Somani, P. Sharma, S. Sachdeva, V. Mathur, S.Chaturvedi. A Comparitive Study between Vecuronium and Rocuronium for Intubating Condition and Hemodynamic Changes. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences; VL - 13 DO - 10.9790/0853-13613339