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Dr. Suresh Kr. Bhargava


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Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist, Experience in liver transplant Anaesthesia and critical care, Experience in Anaesthesia and Critical care for more than 30 years. Affiliated with ISA as past vice president ISA National and Organising Secretary of National conference of ISA the ISACON 2015 Jaipur

  • Chiktsa Vibhushan by JMA Jaipur 2014
  • Recipient of ‘Dr S K Bakshi Memorial Award’ for year 1988-89 from Indian Society of Anesthesia, New Delhi
  • Received Commendation letter from the Management of S.K Soni Hospital, Jaipur forthe guidance & contribution of NABH accreditation
  • Was invited at a Health show-‘ U, Me & Health’ at ETV ,Rajasthan for discussion of Anesthesia awareness
  • Made a Documentary on ICU working at S.K Soni Hospital to create awareness for Infection Control Program and to spread knowledge of various bundles of IHI
  • Lifetime Achievement award by RSA 2019
  • Elected Vice President Indian Society of Anesthesiologist National
  • Vipin Kumar Goyal, Suresh Kumar Bhargava, and Birbal Baj, Effect of preoperative incentive spirometry on fentanyl-induced cough: a prospective, randomized, controlled study, Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, VOL. 70, NO. 5, October 2017
  • Atul Purohit, Suresh Bhargava1, Vandana Mangal2, Vinod Kumar Parashar, Lung isolation, one-lung ventilation and hypoxaemia during lung isolation, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Vol. 59 | Issue 9 | Sep 2015
  • Avnish Bharadwaj, Mamta Khandelwal, Suresh Kumar Bhargava, Perioperative neonatal and paediatric blood transfusion, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Vol. 58 | Issue 5 | Sep-Oct 2014
  • Vijay Sharma, Suresh Bhargawa, and Vaibhav Vaishnav Initial Experience With Naloxone Hydrochloride for the Treatment of Acute Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction in Intensive Care Unit Patients, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, issue 7 JULY 2015,

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