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Dr. Tarun Ojha

Professor & HOD

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Dr. Tarun Ojha is a renowned Otorhinolaryngology Surgeon with over 25 years of rich experience. His area of interest lies in understanding the needs of the patients. The planned execution of treatment based on those needs is rewarded by the confidence gained by the patient’s smile.

  • AOICON 2023, JAIPUR Organising Secretary
  • President, Jaipur Medical Association
  • Work excellence in field of ENT & Head Neck Surgery
  • I.M.A. Leadership Award
  • Life Member of Indian Medical Association (IMA), India-
  • Life Member of Association of Otolaryngologists (AOI) of India
  • Life Member of Association of Otolaryngologists (AOI) of India (Rajasthan State Branch)
  • Life Member of Jaipur Medical Association (JMA)
  • Life Member of Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology (FHNO), India
  • Life Member of Indian Association of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Association
  • Life Member of The Thoracic Endoscopy Society
  • Tarun Ojha, P.C. Verma, Nalin Joshi, A.K. Singhal, (1998): Laryngeal Tuberculosis S.D.M.H. Jour. 22:34-41.
  • Tarun Ojha, P.C. Verma, B.K. Singh, A.K. Singhal(1998): Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) of the Maxillary Sinus. Report of a Case with Review of the Literature. S.D.M.H Jour. 22:59-62.
  • Verma P.C, Tarun Ojha, Yadav Dharamveer, Hemani D.D.(1996): Study of Serum Phosphohexose Isomerase Levels in the Management of Head & Neck Malignancy. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
  • Verma P.C, Tarun Ojha, Yadav Dharamveer, Hemani D.D.(1996): Study of Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Levels in Head and Neck Malignancy S.D.M.H. Jour. 20:127-131.
  • Mishra Deepika, Goyal Vikram, Tarun Ojha, Mathur J.S., (1996): Study of NOR (AgNOR) Pattern in Various Tumours on FNAC. S.D.M.H. Jour. 20:1-5
  • Digvijay Singh, Vineet Chadha, Morish Grover Tarun Ojha, Verma PC: Clinico-pathological profile and management of sino-nasal masses: A prospective study . Indian journal of otolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery, Published online: 09th November 2012,DOI10,1007/812070.012-0578-6.
  • Jeenat Malawat,Tarun Ojha, Sulabh Bansal, Pratibha Vyas, Digvijay Singh: “Endoscopic Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy with or without Posterior Mucosal Flap: a prospective study” publication in Current Medical Trends: an Indexed Journal .
  • Pratibha Vyas, Sulabh Bansal, Tarun Ojha, Amit Singhal, Suresh Kumar, :Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in diagnosing Thyroid lesions – A retrospective study. International Journal of Current Research and Review, E-ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online), P-ISSN: 2231-2196 (Print) An internationally indexed peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal IC Value of IJCRR: 4.18.
  • Sulabh Bansal, Tarun Ojha, Suresh Kumar, Amit Singhal, Pratibha Vyas, : Changing Microbiological trends in cases of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media patients. International Journal of Current Research and Review, E-ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online), P-ISSN: 2231-2196 (Print) An internationally indexed peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal IC Value of IJCRR: 4.18.
  • Digvijay Singh, Singh Sikandar, Panday Sudhanshu, Tarun Ojha, Verma P C : Self – extrusion of unknowingly ingested sewing needle through the skin of neck. International journal of otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 2013,*,** dio:10.4236/ijons.2013*****published online ** 2013.
  • Digvijay Singh, Panday Sudhanshu, Singh Sikandar, Tarun Ojha, and P.C. Verma : Dual ectopic thyroid : A case Report. Indian Journal of Medical case reports ISSN: 2319-3832 (online) an online international journal available at http/ www cibtech. Org/ jcr/ htm 2013 vol.2 (3) July- September. Pp 26-29 rawat et al.
  • Meenakshi Singhal, Tarun Ojha, Sanjay Singhal, Sulabh Bansal : Giant Concha Bullosa containing another concha bullosa inside : unique Anatomic variation of the middle turbinate . Rajasthan Journal of Otolaryngology and Head –Neck Surgery Vol. II issue 1 (2013), Page 10-12.
  • Tarun Ojha, Abhishek Jain, Digvijay Singh, Sulabh Bansal Endoscopic Vs Conventional Septoplasty: A Comparative Study. Rajasthan Journal of Otolaryngology and Head –Neck Surgery Vol. II issue 1 (2013), Page 18-19.
  • Amit Singhal, Tarun Ojha, Suresh Kumar, Meghal Choudhary, Rathore Natwar S., Pratibha Vyas ; “ Exploration of early auditory effects of hyperbilirubinemia in neonates using BERA” International Journal of Medical Science and Education”( IJMES030931) Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 : 2014
  • Suresh Kumar, Pratibha Vyas, Amit Singhal, Rathore Natwar S. Meghal Choudhary, Tarun Ojha; “ Efficacy & safety of intratympanic steroid treatment for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss” ( IJMSE 030938) International Journal of Medical Science and Education” Vol. 1 Issue No. 2, 2014.
  • Gupta Priyamwada, Jethava DD, Tarun Ojha, Jethava D, Gupta Prakash; “Role of Dexmedetomidine for hypotensive anaesthesia in FESS Surgery” Accepted Dec 2013 in Current Medical Trends (CMT).
  • S.K. Gupta, V.K. Jain, A.K. Singh, M. Mishra, and Tarun Ojha Sino-Nasal status in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.(2015)
  • Natwar Singh Rathore, Tarun Ojha, Meghal Choudhary, Amit Singhal, Sharma Abhishek, Gakhar Saurabh, Sharma Abhay: Incidence & Etio-Pathogenesis of Vocal Cord Paralysis in a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Medical Science and Education” (2016)
  • Meghal Choudhary, Tarun Ojha, Natwar Singh Rathore, Amit Singhal, Sharma Abhishek, Yadav Kanak, Kataria Vaishali: Rationalization of Myringoplasty in Children: A Comparison with an Adult Population. International Journal of Medical Science and Education” (2016)
  • Tyagi Surabhi, Gupta Pankaj, Tarun Ojha, Verma Jitendra, Sharma Arvind: Role of Crush cytology in intraoperative central nervous system tumours with Histopathological correlation, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. (2016)
  • Saurabh Gakhar, Tarun Ojha, Kanak Yadav, Abhishek Sharma, Amit Singhal, Abhay Sharma: Cervical Lymphadenopathy: Clinico – Pathological Study of 148 Cases. International Journal of Medical Science and Education (2017).
  • Kanak Yadav, Tarun Ojha, Saurabh Gakhar, Abhishek Sharma, Amit Singhal, Vaishali Kataria : Effectiveness of Nasal Packing in Trans-Septal Suturing technique in Septoplasty : A Randomized Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head – Neck Surgery (2017).
  • 23Vaishali Kataria, Tarun Ojha, Abhay Sharma, Arpit Srivastava, Kanak Yadav: Curettage Versus Endoscopic- Assisted Adenoidectomy, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Education January- March 2018.
  • Tarun Ojha, Anuj Kansara, Vipasha Yogi, Kunal Sharma, Shreya Prasad. Comparative study of cartilage shield Tympanoplasty Vs Temporalis Fascia Graft Tympanoplasty: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences & Technology Vol 4 Issue 3 September-December 2019.
  • Dr. Kanak Yadav, Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Pratibha Vyas, Dr. Abhishek Sharma, Dr. Saurabh Gakhar, Dr. Vaishali Katariaa prospective study of surgical management of thyroid swellings. Jan.-March 2019; 6(1):111-118 
  • Anuj Kansara, Tarun Ojha: Adenoidectomy blind curettage or endoscopic Assisted Curettage A Comparative Study. International Organization of Scientific Research Vol.19 Issue.2 (2020)
  • Kunal Sharma, Tarun Ojha: Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions and Premaliganancy in Patient with Oral Habits.International Organization of Scientific Research Vol.19 Issue.2 (2020)
  • Nitin Khunteta, Prakhar Katta, Jaspreet singh Badwal, Tarun Ojha: The Mandible Sparing"POSC Technique for Management of Middle and Posterior Third Tongue Cancers. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery 2021
  • Almas J. Vakil, Tarun Ojha, Shreya Prasad, Praveen Singh Comparison of Hypertonic Saline with Normal Saline in Nasal Irrigation Post Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Indian Jonural Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery 2021
  • Kanika Sharma, Tarun Ojha, Rajendra Dabaria, Biban Chhabra, Bhargavi Bhaskar Trivedi, Monika Bansal: Relation Between posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and vitamin D deficiency. Indian Journal Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery January 2022.
  • Dr. Priyanshi Gupta, Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Monika Bansal, Dr. Bhargavi Trivedi, Dr. Kanika Sharma, Dr. Biban Chhabra: Predicting the subjective Hearing outcome in type I tympanoplasty using belfast 15/30DB rule of thumb INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Volume - 11 | Issue - 04 | April - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI: 10.36106/ijsr 
  • April 2022. 
  • Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Priyanshi Gupta, Dr. Vaishali Kataria & Dr. Kanika Sharma: Facial NervePalsy- A rare and underrecognized Neurological Manifestationof Rhino-orbito-cerebral Mucormycosis with potential for misdiagnosis. April 2022.
  • Dr. Monika Bansal, Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Vaishali Kataria: Hearing Loss Evaluation in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients, Preoperatively and Postoperatively. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 13, Issue 4, April-2022.
  • Biban Chhabra, Tarun Ojha, Rajendra Kumar Dabaria, and Kanika Sharma: Nasal Mucosal Flap Respositioning Technique in Endonasal Endoscopic Dacryocystorinostomy A Prospective Interventional Study International Journal of Current Advanced Research April 2022.5.
  • Dr. Vaishali Kataria, Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Monika Bansal: Functional Endoscopicsinus Surgery: A prospective study of 100 Patients at our centre, International Journal of Scientific Research 
  • Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Manish Jain, Dr. Priyanshi Gupta, Single-stage reconstruction of maxillectomy and midfacial defects in cases of covid associated mucormycosis. Indian Jo of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck October, 2022.
  • Dr. Priyanshi Gupta, Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Rajendra Dabaria, Dr. Kanika Sharma Biban Chhabra, Bhargavi Trivedi - “Left-handedness: fair or a fallacy. From Otorhinolaryngology residency training perspective”. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery November 2022.
  • Monika Bansal, Tarun Ojha, Prateek Sharma, Biban Chhabra, Kanika Sharma, Bhargavi Travidi,- Wet Versus Dry Temporalis Fascia Graft in Type 1 Tympanoplasty : A Randomized study on controversy: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, June 2022
  • Tarun Ojha, Vaishali Kataria, Priyanshi Gupta, Buddhiprakash Sharma: Synovial Sarcoma of Cheek: A Rare case report with review of literature. Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. September 2022
  • Bhargavi Trivedi, Tarun Ojha, Nikhil Kumar Soni, Monika Bansal, Kanika Sharma, Biban Chhabra Evaluating the Incidence of Audiological Derangement in Cases of Thyroid Hormone Imbalance Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg March 2023.
  • Arushi Bhardwaj, Nitin Khunteta, Tarun Ojha, Manan Balhara Clinical Manifestations and Treatment Outcome of Laryngopharyngeal Refux on Larynx and Symptom Sign Correlation Indian J OtolaryngolHead Neck Surg
  • Dr. Tarun Ojha, Dr. Kanika Sharma, Dr. Biban Chhabra, Dr. Bhargavi Trivedi, Dr. Monika Bansal- Endoscopic Stapedotomy Overcoming Limitations & Improving Surgical Outcomes.Indian Journal of Otology (Accepted for Publication)

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