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Dr. Trapta Goyal

Assistant Professor

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Dr Trapta Goyal has a 10+ years experience in field of paediatrics and neonatology. It gives her immense satisfaction in serving tiny little tots of her community . She has thorough knowlege of all paediatric and neonatal protocols and guidelines. She feels highly privileged to serve and cure her patients and seeing their overall development and excellence in all spheres of life, thus inspiring her to further advance her knowlege and skills in field of paediatrics.

  • Gold medal in pathology MBBS in MS University, Gujarat 2009Ggold medal in Dch Pediatrics, MS University, Gujarat in year 2015
  • Executive member award IAP Hadoti women committee in year dec 2019
  • Certified course in AHA -PALS held in Karamsad medical college, Gujarat 2015 & NNF-NRP held in year 2015 in Medical College Baroda, Gujarat in 2015
  • BCBR certified in February 2024
  • Indian Academy of Paediatrics: L/2024/G-2451
  • Indian Medical Association(IMA)
  • Lifetime member RAJ/10539/11/714//239703/2017-2018/CL
  • Yadav RS, Pal Nikita,Goyal Trapta,Ray Sandip,Yadav Shweta, Sharma AK, Gupta S. Study of liver functions in multiple transfused thalassemia patients on regular chelation therapy vs irregular chelation therapy in a tertiary care centre Jaipur, Rajasthan.. Asian j Pharma Clin Res, Vol 17,Issue 5, 2024,82-84
  • Pal N, Bhagel KS,Goyal T,Sharma AK, Yadav RS,Agarwal G. A study on stress levels in mothers of admitted neonates in NICU in a tertiary care centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan. International journal of current Pharmaceutical review & research e-ISSN: 0976-822X,p-ISSN:2961-6042
  • Goyal T, Pal N,Sharma AK,Gupta JK, Agarwal G, Yadav RS. An observational study to assess the effect of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia as a risk factor on hearing of term infants admitted in the hospital. African Journal of Biological Sciences (AFJBS) Doi:10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 5868-5878

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