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Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta


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As a seasoned pediatrician and clinician, I bring a wealth of hands-on experience and a commitment to excellence to my role as a professor in family medicine at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital & Medical College, Jaipur . With a passion for educating the next generation of healthcare professionals, I am dedicated to fostering a holistic approach to family health. Join me on a journey of learning and compassionate care, where expertise meets mentorship for a healthier tomorrow.

In State Conferences

  • Award Paper Present: In Raj Neocon-2012 , held in Jaipur during 6-7 Oct. 2012 topic was “Mortality in Septic Neonates After Fluid Bolus Insertion.”
  • Award Paper Present: In Raj Pedicon- 2012, held in Jodhpur during 27-28 Oct. 2012 topic was “A Study Of Magnitude Of HIV Infection In Tubercular Children And Their Clinical Proffile.”
  • Award Poster Present: In Raj Pedicon- 2012, held in jodhpur during 27-28 Oct. 2012 topic was “A Study on Scrub Typhus Among Malaria & Dengue in Semi Desert Area of Rajasthan.”

In National Conferences

  • Award Paper Present: In Pedicon- 2013, held in Kolkata during 16-20 jan. 2013 topic was “ A Study on Scrub Typhus Among Malaria & Dengue in Semi Desert Area of Rajasthan.”
  • Award Poster Present: In Pedicon- 2013, held in Kolkata during 16-20 jan.2013 topic was “A Study of Magnitude of HIV Infection in Tubercular Children and Their Clinical Proffile.”

In International Conferences

  • SPEAKER : In PGHTNCON-2016, held in NIMS Jaipur during 11-14 Feb 2016 topic was “ Diagnosis criteria for celiac Disease.”

Extra Curricular Activities

  • 1st Merit in essay writing in “GOONJ 99” held in JLN Medical College, Ajmer in 1999.
  • Particiption in all india essay writing, conducted by Sri Ram Chandra Mission, Chennai Held on 25th Feb.2012. “Andar Aur Bahar, Dono Ka Kramik Vikash Hi Aadhyatmikta Hai.”
  • Runner Up in Volley Ball in Goonj-2002, held in JLN Medical College, Ajmer.
  • Gold Madel in 4 X 100 Meter Relay Race in Goonj-2002, held in JLN Medical College, Ajmer.
  • Winner In Magazine Personality in Goonj-2002, held in JLN Medical College, Ajmer.
  • 3rd Position in Collage Making In Goonj-2002, held in JLN Medical College, Ajmer.
  • 1st Position in Twisted Movie event during AIIMBT & Silhouettes 2003, Held in AFMC, Pune 2003.
  • Participate and Blood donation Multiple times In Blood Donation Camps.
  • Life Membership of Indian society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (ISPGHAN)
  • Life Membership of Indian Medical Association (IMA)

Thesis Topic: “Study the magnitude of HIV in tubercular children and their clinical profile”, presented to Rajasthan university of health sciences, Jaipur.

  • Clinical profile of scrub typhus in relation with malaria and dengue seasonal outbreak from semi desert area of rajasthan, indiaVirendra Kumar Gupta, Prashant Agrawal, Raj Kumar Gupta, Ram Babu Sharma, Jitendra Prashad Bhatnagar international journal of contemporary pediatrics (ijcp)2016; 3 (3), 943-948,doi:
  • Study of renal functions in preterm and full term new born in relation to parity of the motherJitendra P Bhatnagar, Virendra K Gupta, Shagun Gupta, Alok Purohit international journal of research in medical sciences 2016; 4 (7), 2859-2862,doi:
  • Gestational age assessment in newborns using regression equation of anthropometric parameters singly or in combinationRitesh Yadav, Jitendra Prasad Bhatnagar, Gunjan Yadav, Ritu Verma, Shagun Gupta, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Sumit Bhatia, Alok Purohit, International Journal of Biomedical Research (IJBR) 2016;7 (8), 600-605,DOI:
  • Neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia after induction of labour with oxytocin and cord serum albumin is compared with cord serum bilirubin as a risk indicatorShagun Gupta, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Jitendra Prasad Bhatnagar, Prashant Agrawal, Ankit Agarwal, Sumit Bhatia, Ravi Garg, Kasturi Devatwal, Narbir Singh, international journal of biomedical research 2016;7 (7), 435-438 doi:
  • A study on myocardial function in children with severe acute malnutrition”prashant Agrawal, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Shagun Gupta, M.L. Gupta, international journal of medical sciences and education,(ijmse)2016,3(2),173-181
  • A study to establish the gestational age and sex specific percentile charts of ponderal index of newborns for local population of semi desert area of rajasthan” Swati Agrawal, Jitendra Prasad Bhatnagar, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Shagun Gupta, Jagdish Prasad Agrawal, Preeti Gusain, Ravi Garg, Amandeep Kaur, Kasturi Devatwal, Alok Purohit scholars journal of applied medical sciences (sjams) 2017; 5(1c):175-179,doi: 10.21276/sjams.2017.5.1.36
  • Comparative analysis of symptomatic hypocalcemia in term and preterm neonates undergoing continuous phototherapy” Preeti Gusain, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Shagun Gupta,Bhagwan Sahai Natani, Swati Agrawal, Narbir Yadav, Yuktika Arora, Dhruv Vashisth, Bhawani K C, Kasturi Devatwal, Pahula Verma, Anurag Tomar iosr journal of dental and medical sciences (iosr-jdms)2017;16(1): 46-49,doi:10.9790/0853-1601054649
  • A comparative study of occurrence of phototherapy induced hypocalcemia in preterm and fullterm neonates with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia” Jitendra Prasad Bhatnagar, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Shagun Gupta, Preeti Gusain, international journal of scientific research (ijsr)2017;6(2) :119-121, doi: 10.15373/22778179
  • A study of prevalence of obesity among adolescents (10-19 years) in jaipur city with special reference to lifestyle” Jagdish Prashad Agrawal, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Madhur Jain, Swati Agrawal 
  • international journal of contemporary pediatrics (ijcp)2017; 4(4), 1461-1465 doi:
  • Assessment of the reference values of intrauterine growth with particular to ponderal index for our region.”Virendra Kumar Gupta, Jagdish Prasad Agrawal, Shagun Gupta, Swati Agrawal, Preeti Gusain, Alok Purohit international journal of pediatric research(ijopr) 2017;4(11):681- 687 doi:10.17511/ijpr.2017.11.08
  • Clinical profile of tubercular children with and without hiv infection”Virendra K Gupta, Jasraj Bohra Paripex - indian journal of research (pijr) 2019:8(7); 2250 – 1991 doi : 10.15373/2249555x
  • Short stature as a significant marker in celiac disease.”Jasraj Bohra, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Ashok Gupta, international journal of contemporary pediatrics(ijcp) 2019  doi:
  • Maternal and fetal outcomes with the use of prostaglandins e2 as a cervical ripening agent for induction of labour”Shagun Shagun, Neha Kuntal, Virendra Kumar Gupta.
  • International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology (IJRCOG);2019 DOI:10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20195597.
  • 14-To study indications for primary caesarean section in primigravida and multigravida” 
  • Neha Kuntal, Shagun Gupta, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Amit Nimawat, international journal of clinical obstetrics and gynaecology(ijcog)2019;{3},155-158. doi: 10.33545/gynae.2019.v3.i6c.407.
  • Neck circumference as a screening tool for overweight and obesity in children” 
  • Amit Nimawat, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Bhagwan Sahai Natani, Chaman Ram Verma
  • asian journal of pediatric research (ajpr)2020 doi - 10.9734/ajpr/2020/v3i230123
  • Comparative analysis of serum vitamin d level in under five aged children with acute lower respiratory tract infection: a casecontrol study” Bhavani Kc, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Bhagwan Sahai Natani, Rupesh Masand, Chaman Ram Verma international journal of paediatrics and geriatrics (ijpg);2020, {3}28-31. doi: 10.33545/26643685.2020.v3.i1a.56.
  • Infectious complications and outcome after allogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplantation for thalassemiaBhanupriya Sharma, Jitendra Kumar Gupta, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Rajpreet Soni, Munish Kumar Kakkar, Priya Marwah 2022; volume 9 (2022), issue 9 : page: 621-628
  • Study of clinico-epidemiological profile of children with infentile tremor syndrome (its)Amit Mathur, Rajendra Babu Mathur, Virendra Kumar Gupta, Jitendra Kumar Gupta, Shikha Gupta, Gaurav Agrawal, Munish Kumar Kakkar, Madhu Mathur 2022; volume 9 (2022), issue 9 : page: 639-648

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