Dr Yashu Saini is a Paediatric Nephrologist with a strong clinical acumen with work experience of 12 years in this specialty in different hospitals in India. He is competent in independently managing all Paediatric Nephrology disorders including patients on haemodialysis, CAPD and Plasma Exchange. His special areas of interest are Critical Care Nephrology, CAPD and Renal Transplantation.
NTSE Scholarship, awarded by N.C.E.R.T. (National Council for Educational Research and Training), 1995.
Certificate of Merit, awarded by C.B.S.E. for outstanding academic performance and being among the top 0.1 per cent of successful candidates in Biology in All India Senior School Certificate Examination, 1997.
Certificate of Merit, awarded by Director of Education, Government of N.C.T. of Delhi, India for securing the high position in the list of meritorious candidates qualifying for the award from All India Senior School Certificate Examination, 1997.
Gold Medal and Golden Jubilee Biology Scholarship, awarded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India for obtaining 100 per cent marks in Biology in Senior Secondary Examination held by C.B.S.E., 1998.
Best Poster Presentation Award, International Conference on Reproductive Health & 20th Annual meeting of the ISSRF (Indian Society for the Study of reproduction and Fertility), February 8-10, 2010.
Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ISPN), (Life Membership no. L/10/Y-5)
International Pediatric Nephrology Association
International Society of Nephrology
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), (Life Membership No. L/2014/S-3337)
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), Jaipur Branch
National Neonatology Forum (NNF), India, (Life Membership no. RAJ/L-3682)
Yashu Saini, Sheela Bharani and Ruchi Saini. Evaluation of the influence of depleted iron stores in pregnant women on iron stores of their babies between birth to third postnatal month. Ind J Mat CH (IJMCH), (2015)
Yashu Saini: Editorial entitled “Current Scenerio of Pediatric Nephrology in India” in IPNA Currents official publication of International Pediatric Nephrology Association, 2015.
Chapter entitled “Nephrotic Syndrome: Current Management Guidelines" in Annual State Conference of IAP Rajasthan: Rajpedicon, 2015.
Saguna Pandit, Yashu Saini. Neonatal renal immaturity, proteinuria and glomerular filteration rate: A neglected closed interknit trio. Eur. j. mol. Clin. Med. (2021)
Yashu Saini, Saguna Pandit. Correlation between body surface area of newborns of different gestational ages with urine total proteins and urine microalbumin. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. (2022).
Sunita Sattavan, Yashu Saini. Letter to Editor entitled “Pediatric Nephrology in under-resourced areas: is funding really the key to success”. Pediatr. Nephrol. (2023).
Agarwal A, Sharma R, Sharma P, Saini Y, et.al. Atypical Kawasaki disease in a 13 year old boy. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. (2023)