Dr. Yogesh Agrawal is having a vast experience of 6.5 years in all microscopic and endoscopic brain and spine surgeries.
Distinguished contribution on the occasion of ‘Maharaja Mahasamagam’ by Maharaja College, Jaipur on 11 March, 2023
Presentation on Stroke Awareness Program on the occasion of World Stroke Day held on 29th October, 2021 at School of Physiotherapy, CPU, Kota
Program for faculty upgradation on “ICD & SNOMED CT” on 22nd - 26th March, 2021 by MGUMST, Jaipur
Completed the Online Basic Course in Biomedical Research held on March-June 2020 (86%).
Completed Neuroendoscopy Fellowship Programme held in March 2019 at NSCB Govt. Medical College, Jabalpur, M.P.
Nominated for “Rajyapal Purskar” Scout & Guides
Member, Neurological Surgeons Society of India (NSSI)
Member, Neurological Society of India (NSI)
Member, Neuroendoscopy Society
Member, Neurotrauma Society of India
Reviewer in World Neurosurgery Journal
Ruchi Agrawal, Yogesh Agrawal, Manu Saini, Yogesh Singh, Shikha Mathur, Amit Tak. Effectiveness of coronavirus disease-19 vaccination on disease transmission, hospitalization, and clinical outcomes in adult in North India. International Journal of Academic Medicine; March 2023; Volume 9; Issue 1; Page 18-24.
Dr. Ruchi Agrawal, MD, Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, MCh, Dr. Shikha Mathur, PhD, Dr. Yogesh Singh, PhD, Dr. Amit Talk, MD, Dr Manu Saini, MD. Chadox1-S And Bbv152 Vaccines – Effectiveness On Post Vaccination And Covid 19 Outcomes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results; Dec, 2022; Volume 13; Special Issue 8; Page 4238-4242.
Pankaj Somani, Jitendra Singh Verma, Shiteez Agrawal, Arvind Ranwa, B S Sharma, Pankaj Gupta, Rohin Bhatia, Yogesh Agrawal, Pavan Jain, Anurag Srivastava, Mohammed Shoaib, Tshering DorjeeSherapaa, Anchal Chauhan, Anmol Randhawa. Accuracy of Spinal Instrumentation using Intraoperative O-Arm and Navigation Guidance-Our Institutional Experience and Solutions to Commonly Encountered Challenges. Neuroquantology. December 2022; Volume 20; Issue 21; Page 1244-1252.
Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Dr. Ruchi Agrawal, Dr. Pankaj Gupta: “Early tracheostomy is beneficial in critical head injury patients; an institutional experience” IJMSIR. Jan 2020: 5(1): 315-320
Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Dr. Ruchi Agrawal, Dr. Meenakshi Sharma, Dr. Mamta, Dr. Aparna Garg, Dr. Sweta Soni: “Effect of Complete Mind – Body Therapy on Asthma Quality of life in Asthma Patient Attending OPD of SMS Hospital Jaipur.” Sch. J App Med Sci, July 2019: 7(7): 2531-2536
Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Dr. Ruchi Agrawal, Dr. Pankaj Gupta: “Single Dose antibiotic as Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Planned Surgical Procedures.” Sch. SAS J Surg. July 2019: 5(7): 301-307
Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Dr. Somnath Sharma, Dr. Sanjeev Chopra, Dr. Devendra K Purohit: “ Retrieval of a retained broken scalpel blade from lumbar intervertebral disc space”. Romanian Neurosurgery (2017) 1:129-132
Dr. Yogesh Agrawal, Dr. Ashok Gupta, Dr. V.D. Sinha; “Chronic Subdural Hematoma Surgical Evacuation with Burr-Hole Drainage An Institutional Experience”. Indian J. Neurotrauma 2017;14:59–64
Case Reports-
Yogesh Agrawal, Ruchi Agrawal, Vinod Sharma, Jitendra Singh, Pankaj Gupta, Bhawani S Sharma. “Spinal Intramedullary Tubercular Abscess.” Journal of MGUMST, May-August 2017; 2(2):102-105