Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine

What is Emergency Medicine?

In an Emergency Medicine department, a variety of procedures are performed to diagnose and treat acute medical conditions and trauma.

Here are some common procedures

  • Triage - Assessing and prioritising patients based on the severity of their condition to ensure timely treatment.
  • Primary Survey - Conducting a rapid assessment of airway, breathing, circulation, disability (neurological status), and exposure (full body examination) using the ABCDE approach.
  • Secondary Survey - A thorough examination to identify other injuries or conditions, including obtaining a detailed medical history.

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - Performing chest compressions and rescue breaths in cases of cardiac arrest.
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) - Administering medications, defibrillation, and advanced airway management during cardiac emergencies.
  • Airway Management - Techniques such as orotracheal intubation, nasotracheal intubation, and use of supraglottic airway devices to secure the airway in critical patients.
  • IV Access - Establishing intravenous access for fluid resuscitation and medication administration.

  • Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) - Using ultrasound for rapid assessment of conditions such as cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax, or abdominal emergencies.
  • Rapid Blood Tests - Performing bedside tests for glucose, electrolytes, and cardiac markers to aid in diagnosis.
  • Radiological Imaging - Ordering and interpreting X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs for diagnosis of fractures, internal injuries, or other acute conditions.

  • Wound Care and Suturing - Cleaning and suturing lacerations or wounds, and applying dressings.
  • Drain Placement - Inserting chest tubes for pneumothorax or pleural effusion, and placing drains for abscesses or fluid collections.
  • Reduction of Fractures and Dislocations - Performing closed reduction techniques for certain fractures or dislocated joints.
  • Emergency Surgical Procedures - Performing life saving surgeries such as laparotomy for abdominal trauma or emergency thoracotomy.

  • Intravenous Medications - Administering emergency medications such as analgesics, antibiotics, antipyretics, and antidotes.
  • Narcotic Overdose Treatment - Administering naloxone (Narcan) for opioid overdose.

  • Patient Monitoring - Continuous monitoring of vital signs and symptoms after stabilisation to ensure patient safety.
  • Discharge Planning - Providing instructions for follow-up care, medication management, and warning signs for patients being discharged.

Consult with experienced Doctors

MGMCH is home to some of the most eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective arenas and are renowned for developing innovative and
revolutionary procedures

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